keyword search feed for more than one keyword
hi there
two questions:
1. is it possible to sort the search feed by date, f.e. dateBy=uploaded?
my feed just sorts by popularity and the DateBy thing is ignored:
2. how do i search for more than one keyword? berlin&format=rss200&DateBy=DateUploaded&Size=Tiny&ImageCount=9
this feed just finds keywords that are exakt like this: "graffiti berlin"
but it does not perform like logical AND search.
Data=graffiti+berlin does also not work
any help appreciated
two questions:
1. is it possible to sort the search feed by date, f.e. dateBy=uploaded?
my feed just sorts by popularity and the DateBy thing is ignored:
2. how do i search for more than one keyword? berlin&format=rss200&DateBy=DateUploaded&Size=Tiny&ImageCount=9
this feed just finds keywords that are exakt like this: "graffiti berlin"
but it does not perform like logical AND search.
Data=graffiti+berlin does also not work
any help appreciated