Eye-Fi Pro

Not sure how late I am with this, but hadn't seen it mentioned yet. Eye-Fi Pro is out with RAW capabilities!
Anyone been waiting for this one?
Anyone been waiting for this one?
Thanks for the link.
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
This one is fron engadget
Sounds cool, but...what I want is to: shoot at a sporting event, and have this device upload to my netbook via [carried in my backpack] while I am simultaneously shooting. I may shoot 3000-5000 shots over the course of a day long event [all 10mp jpeg] and that will take a good hour or more to copy over. I have heard elsewhere that the range of this thing is pretty short, especially to have any xfer speed.
I think the "sending it to the cloud" option would be pretty sweet for photo journalists in "hot spots." "Oh sure Mr. constable, sir. You may take my memory card with all it's offending images on it. It's not like they could be any where else but right there on that card there, huh?"
Any thoughts?
For your scenario all you need is a 5ft cable directly from your camera into your backpack. No networks, no complications, no nothing.
The only problem - you camera should stay ON all the time. If it goes off even for a second - sw needs to be restarted, and you wouldn't even know. :cry And staying on - not good for batteries.
I say: just shoot on the card and download it while driving home.
Well, I believe the Eye-Fi uploads whenever the camera is idle, or whenever the files have been completely written to memory. So if you ever pause while taking your 3000-5000 shots, it should be able to upload while you shoot. And if you take a bathroom break, leave your camera on and it will continue to upload.
I would worry a little about leaving a netbook running inside of a backpack, especially if you're using a regular hard-drive and not some solid-state (flash-based) media. Vibration issues aside, there's also heat to consider.
Of the cameras that one might consider 'pro' to use like this, limiting it to Canon and Nikon would be the Nikon D300, D700, D3, D3x and Canon 50D, 5D2, 1D3, 1Ds3. Of course there are previous versions of all of these, but my gripe is the same.
Out of these 8 cameras, only 2 can take an SD card.
The numbers get worse when including many newer Sony, Olympus and other cameras that 'pros' might use.
They also explicitly recommend *not* using their eye-fi cards with cf-sd adapters.
So, neat product. I have one and use it with my P&S and really like it.
I would like to dump the Nikon wireless transmitter and all it's bulk, but not yet.