"Buy" Photos in this Gallery - pictures unselecting
I shot a wedding. Last week the bride called to say she was going through her pictures and after selecting all her pictures she went to finish the purchase and all but a few dissapeared. I didn't really understand what happened other than when she tried to complete the order the pictures were not there. I told her no problem and that I could place her order with her using my computer over the phone. She said that she would be in town next week (this week) and that she could just stop in and we could go through them. Her and her mom came over last night and we ordered a few 8x10's using "buy" and then "this photo". She then wanted to go through and order 4x5's. We started doing this using "Buy" and then "This Photo" and after going through the first page of 386 pictures she asked if there was a faster way to go through and bulk order the 4x5's. I said "Sure" and told her we could just use "Buy" and then "Photo's in this Gallery". We went through all 386 pictures and she had selected more than 200 of the pictures to purchase as 4x5's. Our next step was to go through these and pick the ones to order larger sizes of. However, when we got to the bottom I scrolled back up to the top and as I was scrolling we realized that all but the very last 7 of the pictures we had selected had unselected. It was about 10:45pm when this happened last night and her and her mom were quite upset. We went through and used "Buy" and then "This Photo" and she selected a total of about 130 4x5's and said to just order those and she would get back to me if she wants bigger pictures of any of those. I have no idea why this happened but I have a fast computer and a fast internet connection so I doubt those things had anything to do with it. This cost me more than $300 but more importantly it wasted quite a bit of her time when ordering the first time and then the second time and that affects my reputation. Not cool.
BTW, I was moving some pictures around from gallery to gallery and after selecting 20 pictures to move I clicked "move" and it only moved 1 so the other 19 had unselected. I went to my dads and tried the same thing and it happened there. I then tried it at my brothers and had the same thing and then at a friends house and had the same thing. I have a feeling these two things are related and have little to do with anything on our end. Smugmug generally gets high marks in my book but this one has me a little bothered ($300 dollars worth of bothered).
I am going to send an e-mail about this issue but wanted to post it here to see if this is isolated or happening on a broader scale. Please respond here if you have had a similar issue.
BTW, I was moving some pictures around from gallery to gallery and after selecting 20 pictures to move I clicked "move" and it only moved 1 so the other 19 had unselected. I went to my dads and tried the same thing and it happened there. I then tried it at my brothers and had the same thing and then at a friends house and had the same thing. I have a feeling these two things are related and have little to do with anything on our end. Smugmug generally gets high marks in my book but this one has me a little bothered ($300 dollars worth of bothered).
I am going to send an e-mail about this issue but wanted to post it here to see if this is isolated or happening on a broader scale. Please respond here if you have had a similar issue.
My wife Lindy went over to the shopping cart and had the same thing happen to her. We'll be sending this over to the engineers to look at.
I had the same issue as you when moving images a few nights ago and I thought it was a lack of sleep that caused me to deselct the images. At least I now know I wasn't dreaming it.
Off to the engineers with both these issues. I'll be replying to your email too.
So far, we've had it happen with XP & Vista FF3. Any other OS's and browsers?