WTB Nikon 17-55 f/2.8 WTT/S 35-70
I'm on the hunt for a 17-55, would also consider the 28-70 but the 17-55 is more appropriate. I have a great copy of a Nikon 35-70 f/2.8D w/HB-15 hood(no fungus) and a more walkabout 18-105 VR to toss in the pile if someone is interested.
I am selling this lens if you are still looking. I'm selling it for $1000 including a HOYA 77mm U/V filter. Lens is in mint condition. I use my 14mm wide angle about 98% of the time since I do real estate photography. So even though I purchased this lens in January it looks like new. I have all of the original packaging for it as well, and it comes with the lens hood and case.
I'm also selling my D300 for $1,300 if you are interested
My e-mail is donnadotan@gmail.com
I'm interested your lens, could you send me picture of the lens? my email is mrkavin@gmail.com