DSS#77 Can You look at These Please

Have some more shots would like some feedback please. This has been a busy DSS I appreciate your time.


And a Couple different Sailboats.



And a Couple different Sailboats.


Chris K. NANPA Member
I am liking #1 and #3...
#1 stood out the most, that is a strange but awesome processing you did on it, they look like velvet or lamb's ear plant, other worldly, interesting and eye catching..
#3 - Well I just like the way that one looks... and the way it enters the frame ever so carefully and toward the top at an angle.. very nice photo..
I like #2, but a lot of the individual parts are sort of getting jumbled together... does the color version have more definition between the parts? (sorry to use a generic term "parts" I'm just not sure what to call the thread like pieces)
There's nothing wrong with #3 or 4, they're just not quite doing it for me in black and white. Not to be too harsh, but they're just sailboats at the moment. There's really nothing to truly set them apart from the field, so to speak. If they were in color with a nice golden sunset glow they would probably have more impact and appeal. They're nice shots, but I think you've got a better shot with #1
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Ditto on 1. I really like the 'feel' of the photo.
Just a little nit: what would it look like if you masked out the 2 bees on the left and right?
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#2 is great in my opinion. The B&W really works quite well for the subject. Perhaps taking a levels layer to it to darken up the lines some would bring out the wheat a little more. It might not work, but it's got my vote either way.
Olympus E-M5, 12-50mm, 45mm f/1.8
Some legacy OM lenses and an OM-10
Added a few more to the confusion. I am going to wear out my shutter or at least see if it will go the 150000 actuation like Nikon said if we keep up with these DSS
1 edit more contrast
#2 I really like this one but then I am a mechanical type person
#3 Merced River LE
#4 Merced Rive LE Part Deux
I agree with Alan that additional contrast might give the photo more ummph (note the sophisticated terminology
Sunflowers are a very dramatic flower so I think the picture can take it.
Oops, I see you are awake early too. Yes, the increased contrast adds.
Gorgeous set of photos. But I think you should stick with the sunflowers.
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
The leaves are really interesting. Well I will touch it up some more before posting.
#2 is a very nice conversion and I am big on metal and steel in B&W's
So those are my picks..