Stormy night at Arches!
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It rained during the entire seven hour car trip. Not a very promising start, but fun weather to travel in. Our first stop was Arches. We arrived at around ten-thirty and made arrangements at the visitors center to backcountry camp at a place that was about a mile from the Delicate Arch. Since we had arrived at the park the rain had stopped but there were still some massive thunderstorms approaching from the west.

For the rest of the morning and afternoon we played typical tourist and visited many of the most well known arches . Around five o'clock we parked at the Delicate Arch trailhead. The storm was directly overhead now and we noticed a lot of photographers already making their way up to the arch for sunset. Toward the top of the trail, we split off from the main trail and trekked our way out to what was going to be our campsite for the night. Almost exactly as we were through setting up our tents the rain came, slow at first, but as we made our way to the arch the rain picked up considerably, and the wind whipping around us had dropped in temperature by at least 20 degrees. Most of the other photographers were leaving as we were coming up. I must admit that I didn't blame them; there were only few patches of cloudless sky and our chances of getting some good light for pictures were grim. I found it ironic that for all we dislike the wind and rain at times, without them there would not be places like the amazing Park we were standing in at this moment.
While the few of us remaining hunkered down and waited along the narrow rock shelf, the storm grew stronger and started to produce quite a bit lightning. I wasn't really worried about any of us getting struck as we were staying below the highest rocks, but after one of the girls stepped out from our cover to peek at the sky, we all got a little worried to see her hair start standing on end. I really began to question whether or not staying had been a very good idea.

As the sun crept slowly downwards, one small strip of blue sky hovered tantalizingly close to the horizon. Everyone began creeping out for their hiding places and hopefully setting up cameras and gear, although the rain and lightning was still coming down as strong as ever. All eyes were fixated on the sun, still toying with us behind it's shield of clouds. We all knew there was still a chance it would break from behind it's cover before sunset, and as long as that chance was there, not one of us was leaving.
As luck would have it, the patch of blue seemed to move in front of the sun exactly as it began to gleam on the horizon. For several moments, all that could be heard was the frantic clicking from all of the different cameras, every photographer knowing that the light was going to last for only a few seconds. Suddenly, as I looked through the viewfinder on the camera to frame a different shot I saw it: a perfect rainbow had appeared right above the arch! Everyone was shouting and pointing. I just kept kept clicking and wiping off my lens and filter between each shot. I only got three shots with the rainbow and light, one of which turned out amazing!

Of course I had to get this shot on the first day of the trip and wait another 5 days before could view it on a computer and see how it turned out.
Read more journals here!
June 1, 2009
Arches National Park
Mel , her brother Bryan, and I woke up at three in the morning and packed the car with our gear for the next 5 days. The three of us were on our way to Arches and Canyonlands National Park. Mel and I had been anticipating this trip since our first journey there about a year ago to the week. We were especially excited to show it to Bryan, as he had only heard our stories about it.
Arches National Park
Mel , her brother Bryan, and I woke up at three in the morning and packed the car with our gear for the next 5 days. The three of us were on our way to Arches and Canyonlands National Park. Mel and I had been anticipating this trip since our first journey there about a year ago to the week. We were especially excited to show it to Bryan, as he had only heard our stories about it.

It rained during the entire seven hour car trip. Not a very promising start, but fun weather to travel in. Our first stop was Arches. We arrived at around ten-thirty and made arrangements at the visitors center to backcountry camp at a place that was about a mile from the Delicate Arch. Since we had arrived at the park the rain had stopped but there were still some massive thunderstorms approaching from the west.

For the rest of the morning and afternoon we played typical tourist and visited many of the most well known arches . Around five o'clock we parked at the Delicate Arch trailhead. The storm was directly overhead now and we noticed a lot of photographers already making their way up to the arch for sunset. Toward the top of the trail, we split off from the main trail and trekked our way out to what was going to be our campsite for the night. Almost exactly as we were through setting up our tents the rain came, slow at first, but as we made our way to the arch the rain picked up considerably, and the wind whipping around us had dropped in temperature by at least 20 degrees. Most of the other photographers were leaving as we were coming up. I must admit that I didn't blame them; there were only few patches of cloudless sky and our chances of getting some good light for pictures were grim. I found it ironic that for all we dislike the wind and rain at times, without them there would not be places like the amazing Park we were standing in at this moment.
While the few of us remaining hunkered down and waited along the narrow rock shelf, the storm grew stronger and started to produce quite a bit lightning. I wasn't really worried about any of us getting struck as we were staying below the highest rocks, but after one of the girls stepped out from our cover to peek at the sky, we all got a little worried to see her hair start standing on end. I really began to question whether or not staying had been a very good idea.

As the sun crept slowly downwards, one small strip of blue sky hovered tantalizingly close to the horizon. Everyone began creeping out for their hiding places and hopefully setting up cameras and gear, although the rain and lightning was still coming down as strong as ever. All eyes were fixated on the sun, still toying with us behind it's shield of clouds. We all knew there was still a chance it would break from behind it's cover before sunset, and as long as that chance was there, not one of us was leaving.
As luck would have it, the patch of blue seemed to move in front of the sun exactly as it began to gleam on the horizon. For several moments, all that could be heard was the frantic clicking from all of the different cameras, every photographer knowing that the light was going to last for only a few seconds. Suddenly, as I looked through the viewfinder on the camera to frame a different shot I saw it: a perfect rainbow had appeared right above the arch! Everyone was shouting and pointing. I just kept kept clicking and wiping off my lens and filter between each shot. I only got three shots with the rainbow and light, one of which turned out amazing!

Of course I had to get this shot on the first day of the trip and wait another 5 days before could view it on a computer and see how it turned out.
Read more journals here!
That's the worst part isn't it?! I hate have to wait an hour to get home to see it! How'd you survive 3 days?!
Great series, but that last one is absolutely INCREDIBLE!!! Great work!!
SmugMug QA
My Photos
Great shot! Well worth the dedication!
14-24 24-70 70-200mm (vr2)
85 and 50 1.4
45 PC and sb910 x2