Direct Sales or Mainly Referrals
Do most folks here sell mainly from their smugmug site or doest most of your business come "referrals" i.e., people seeing your website/pictures adn then contacting you.
What percentage of your $$$ comes through your website vs. referrals from yoru website.
Jerry Nelson
What percentage of your $$$ comes through your website vs. referrals from yoru website.
Jerry Nelson
I don't know about most, but less than 1% of my income comes from the website. I get some random sales here and there and that is fine, but not really the purpose of my site.
I use the site to direct clients to view their images. They pick the images that they want, and then I have them printed. The vast majority of my commercial clients never visit the website at all. I have to hand deliver the proofs to them and they choose the image(s) based off of those proofs.
I would love to get more clients to use the website, as it would free up so many hours each week, but they like to see the prints vs a web image.
Those that have ordered (or for whom I've ordered directly) have been delighted with the quality of the prints - but it's the shipping cost that's a killer and the exchange on the $. If SM is ever able to offer pricing in various international currencies, life will be much simpler I think. Like you, i don't want to be a fulfillment house.
Picadilly, NB, Canada