Wildflower - One image
I went back to the wildflower spot on a sunny morning. I was too late for the sweet light, but I did get one good shot. This flower is similar to the one in the other thread I posted on wildflowers, but I think the colors are better.
Comments appreciated.
Comments appreciated.

"A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds." - Francis Bacon
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
of that flower? The lighting looks fine, partial shade?
I once read a book on photographing flowers, and the couple carried a silver umbrella, a white card and some silver reflective material with them. This way they could make their own light.
I'm often out in mid day when the light isn't the best and I'm thinking of carrying around some sort of translucent material with me, but then I'd need an assistant to hold it for me.... :-(
The material between the sun and the flower would cut down on the harsh shadows and contrasty light falling on the flower.
I guess I could carry two tripods with me --- Naaaahhhhh!
Anyway, it's something to keep in mind for the next time you go out.
Sorry, I don't know the name of it. I even looked on the internet on several sites. No luck.
Good ideas you have. I may try bringing a light colored umbrella to diffuse the light on those days that the sun is high. Not much to done on the foggy mornings though. I can use a flash or bounce the light off the umbrella, but can't get a blue sky.
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
I see a repeated pattern in this one too. The 2 buds and a petal (?) sticking out of the flower all line up
My only suggestion would be to crop a bit off the left side and the top so that that pattern climbs up the page from bottom right to top left. Or don't. It's a very nice shot as is
I saw that line up of the buds and I rotated the shot a bit to take best advantage of it. I think you may be right about a little more crop. I'll give it a try. Thanks for your help. I appreciate it.
Susan Appel Photography My Blog