Product photography pricing... with a twist.

So, I've seen plenty of questions answered regarding pricing for product photography, but my situation is a little different. I was invited last minute to the set of a product informercial. I was told that they would buy images if they liked them, which I didn't mind because I had nothing better to do that night and I'm trying to get my foot in anyway. Well, they loved the shots that I showed them on the set. I have since edited them and am preparing to upload them for their approval. If they do like them (I expect them to want 5 or 6 of them), the images will be used in national magazines and on the production packaging itself to be distributed nationally. Their web site too.
So, pricing is weird because obviously, there is no fee for my time. But I've never done anything at this level before and I don't want to shoot myself in the foot. I'm hoping there's an obvious answer here, but I know there rarely is. If anybody has any suggestions as to what I should charge per image, I would appreciate any advice. I was also considering charging a large bulk amount and telling them they can use whatever they want as much as they want. But again, I have no idea what a fair price for that would be.
So, pricing is weird because obviously, there is no fee for my time. But I've never done anything at this level before and I don't want to shoot myself in the foot. I'm hoping there's an obvious answer here, but I know there rarely is. If anybody has any suggestions as to what I should charge per image, I would appreciate any advice. I was also considering charging a large bulk amount and telling them they can use whatever they want as much as they want. But again, I have no idea what a fair price for that would be.
Wow, that was a handy dandy link in the forum. Quick question- probably an obvious answer. The calculator was very helpful, but the end result- is that their suggested price per image? I think it is, just wanted to make sure you agree.
Thanks for your reply!
1)Register the copyright to the photos
2)Watermark the uploaded photos ( with an obtrusive watermark across the center of the photo) so that there are no "misunderstandings" about usage before you have both signed the contract.
Oh yeah, and don't forget the written contract that spells out all the details about what photos they will be using and the specific license you have granted them.
Good luck!