Attempting #27: C&C desperately needed

slpollettslpollett Registered Users Posts: 1,240 Major grins
edited June 14, 2009 in The Dgrin Challenges
Hi everyone,
I haven't had time to enter the challenges in a few months, but I'm ready to jump back in. I spent the past week in NYC with a middle school group & really thought I'd be able to get some great 'plural' shots while there. Alas, my favorite pictures from this trip show the singular, lol.

Anyway, I'd like to know if any of these have potential. I obviously cannot reshoot, but I have dozens more pictures of the statue from various angles. It is possible I have something different that would work. I figure I need help getting the most out of a b&w conversion--an area in which I feel I am weak.

For a title, I'm thinking about "One for the Masses" unless anyone has a better suggestion.

I really could use some c&c, so please help me out.








  • KinkajouKinkajou Registered Users Posts: 1,240 Major grins
    edited June 13, 2009
    I like the first one - get some of the darks darker using levels and it should make it pop a little more. Nice shots - very clean

    Spread the love! Go comment on something!
  • dniednie Users Awaiting Email Confirmation Posts: 1,351 Major grins
    edited June 13, 2009
    Yes, I think #1 is the right angle and everything.
    I will leave it to those more quailfied than I to tell you how to "umph" it up.
  • whitericewhiterice Registered Users Posts: 555 Major grins
    edited June 13, 2009
    I like #1, though I also the singular statue with the plural people of #2.
    - Christopher
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  • slpollettslpollett Registered Users Posts: 1,240 Major grins
    edited June 13, 2009
    Thanks to you all. I also like the first two shots better. I really like all the people in #2 but I like the angle better in #1. I do have a 'full frame' shot like #1 that would show people, but in that one there's only a small number of people in that spot at that moment.

    I have worked on #1 a little more. Is this better?


  • FlyingginaFlyinggina Registered Users Posts: 2,639 Major grins
    edited June 13, 2009
    Very nice and right on theme.

    "A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus

  • KatmitchellKatmitchell Banned Posts: 1,548 Major grins
    edited June 13, 2009
    Hi Sherry...

    I like #1 and #2..

    I Like #2 better and think it is stronger and here is why....

    You ended up with the infamous white sky blowout.. and that leaves number one all by itself with no sky to grace it..This would work if you had taken a closer shot of the statue because then all of the details and stone work in lady liberty would dominate the composition, however, it is not close up enough to get that detail...

    So - I vote for #2... Your title is perfect and very creative..!!!thumb.gifthumbthumb.gif

    #2 speaks for that title with the masses below, plus the people help to ground the composition and give it some more character.. My only nit is that it is centered and shot from a distance both.. but out of all you posted it is your my personal opinion..

    I would be interested in the others you have too.. You mentioned you shot different angles.. Did you get any closer up by chance?

  • KatmitchellKatmitchell Banned Posts: 1,548 Major grins
    edited June 13, 2009
    oh forgot to mention.. If you go with #1,, your rework is looking much betterthumb.gif

    Have you tried the shadows and highlight function under Image > photoshop?headscratch.gif
  • slpollettslpollett Registered Users Posts: 1,240 Major grins
    edited June 13, 2009
    Thanks Virginia and Thanks Kat for the excellent feedback.

    The sky looks blown because it was very overcast and the sky is nothing but fog/clouds. About 15 minutes after I took these shots, you couldn't see the top of the statue any more. Well, you could a little bit, but it was 'faded.'

    I'll load the rest of my shots in just a little bit and add the link here if you're interested in seeing the others. They are all still in color though, but I can convert any of them that I need to. :) I do have a couple that I shot from the base (where all the little people are standing in these photos). To me, they aren't as good as the ones I took from the ferry. Actually, I was pretty elated that I got focused shots while standing on a moving ferry that was rocking in the waves. :D

    I should be able to crop a little off the right side of #2 so it wouldn't look quite so centered. Maybe that will help. I don't think any of the other angles have as many people at the base as this one did. I'll work on the shadows & highlights as well as taking a look at my other shots. I'll post the re-worked versions when I get done.

    Thanks again. This is very helpful.

  • KatmitchellKatmitchell Banned Posts: 1,548 Major grins
    edited June 13, 2009
    Well I would say you did real good from a rocking ferry boat...mwink.gif

    I thought I had it bad today hand holding in the wind.. I can just imagine from a moving boat...

    Will keep my eyes out for your post later on..

  • slpollettslpollett Registered Users Posts: 1,240 Major grins
    edited June 13, 2009
    Hey Kat, I had to time my shots with the 'peaks' and the 'valleys' of those waves, lol.

    I have added some more views to the gallery. These are in color--I haven't had time to convert them to b/w. I still have more to sort through, but I only chose the close ups for now. These aren't edited except for a little straightening and some cropping. One of them I did a little more, but nothing 'big' since I haven't had time to really sit down and work them.

    Here's the link and the Statue of Liberty pics are at the end #70-84:

    If you see any that you think I should spend some time on, let me know. I really appreciate all of your help!

  • KatmitchellKatmitchell Banned Posts: 1,548 Major grins
    edited June 13, 2009
    ok,, cool,, I will go look at them now... still laughing trying to imagine you moving with the flow of the waves and snapping the shot..:lol
  • KatmitchellKatmitchell Banned Posts: 1,548 Major grins
    edited June 13, 2009
    hmmmmmmm.. its not loading Sherry.. all it will show me is the one statue of liberty and then there is a picture of a cheerleader and one picture of a teenage girl.. and that is all that will load.. headscratch.gif Maybe see is it is loading for you? I have given it a few minutes and clicked on your other stuff and it does load, but not the link you sent me...
  • KatmitchellKatmitchell Banned Posts: 1,548 Major grins
    edited June 14, 2009
    Hi Sherry,,

    It finally loaded the photos..

    I really favor some of those close ups, not just because they are close up, but because of the perspective you shot it at making her look towering and majestic..

    I cant tell you which ones because they are not labeled or named, so it is hard for me to let you know which ones I am talking about.. if you can, go in and number them or something.. let me know.. I will be on and off here all night because I am working on my own entry too..

    There are a few that caught my eye.. nice photos..thumb.gif

  • michswissmichswiss Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 2,235 Major grins
    edited June 14, 2009
    Here are the two in your gallery that caught my attention:

    They both need some PP, but the composition has potential in my opinion.
  • travelwaystravelways Registered Users Posts: 7,854 Major grins
    edited June 14, 2009
    michswiss wrote:
    Here are the two in your gallery that caught my attention:

    They both need some PP, but the composition has potential in my opinion.


    I like this:

    if converted to B&W
    Tatiana - Seeing the world through my camera ...... Facebook
  • slpollettslpollett Registered Users Posts: 1,240 Major grins
    edited June 14, 2009
    Thanks Kat, michswiss, & photobug. I have played with the second image from my original post plus the one that michswiss & photobug agreed on. Am I getting any closer??

    Reworked #2 (chose this one because it got the most raves on another Forum I frequent). I cropped it differently trying to get the statue off-center a little more. This was the best I could do with it & keep the people at the base (which is what made this shot appealing to others). I also did a little more editing. I'm not sure I like this one more--it's too hard to see the people at the bottom.

    New one (#6 I think):

  • KatmitchellKatmitchell Banned Posts: 1,548 Major grins
    edited June 14, 2009
    Yep #6 is stronger... Just can't see those people... and the other one looks far away now.. so focus on #6 or your rework on #1...

    I would not darken it anymore.. or if you do be careful because the bottom and the torch are getting dark... I would carefully and on a low pressure,, burn in some details.. by low pressure I mean hardness of none and 3% opacity... work on the creases and folds of her robe and the lines and that stone base some...but you might sharpen some too.. I was not able to communicate from your gallery because they were not labeled and I did not know how to tell you which ones... just to let you know..rolleyes1.gif

    so, I like #6..thumb.gif

  • WhatSheSawWhatSheSaw Registered Users Posts: 2,221 Major grins
    edited June 14, 2009
    I like the viewpoint on #6 - more striking.
  • travelwaystravelways Registered Users Posts: 7,854 Major grins
    edited June 14, 2009
    I like more #6, but I would increase a little the contrast on it.
    Tatiana - Seeing the world through my camera ...... Facebook
  • slpollettslpollett Registered Users Posts: 1,240 Major grins
    edited June 14, 2009
    Thanks to each of you for your critique and suggestions. I made my final edits and got it entered (#6). Whew! I hated that I couldn't get the one with the people in it, but the close-up grabbed me a little more once I looked at it more.

    Thanks again to everyone who left a comment or suggestion. It really helps.

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