PDX to ABQ and Back
I decided to take a 4000 mile road trip across the great American west. I've done this trip before but this time I was going to concentrate on shooting more and riding less. For camera gear I'm carrying my new Nikon D90, Nikkor 18X200, Sigma 10X20, and some filters.
Here is my mode of transport somewhere in eastern Oregon

As I was crossing over the hills I came upon a wind farm, it is hard to describe just how massive these are.

Since I couldn't leave until after work I hit the John Day Fossil bed right at sunset, it turned out to be excellent timing

Fire in the sky

I stayed there shooting until dark, then I had a nerve racking 30 mile ride through deer county in the dark to my hotel.
The next morning broke clear and cool, I wandered about 20 miles down the road and stopped for breakfast, and saw this across the street.

After breakfast I started to climb out of the valley, I stopped at a scenic overlook to see what I could see

I pretty much put the camera away here because I had to make some miles to meet someone for lunch in Idaho
Here is my mode of transport somewhere in eastern Oregon

As I was crossing over the hills I came upon a wind farm, it is hard to describe just how massive these are.

Since I couldn't leave until after work I hit the John Day Fossil bed right at sunset, it turned out to be excellent timing

Fire in the sky

I stayed there shooting until dark, then I had a nerve racking 30 mile ride through deer county in the dark to my hotel.
The next morning broke clear and cool, I wandered about 20 miles down the road and stopped for breakfast, and saw this across the street.

After breakfast I started to climb out of the valley, I stopped at a scenic overlook to see what I could see

I pretty much put the camera away here because I had to make some miles to meet someone for lunch in Idaho

As I came into Wells NV I could see the mountains surrounded in rain, not what you want to see when riding a bike
As I pushed south the clouds broke up.
I continued south to Great Basin National Park, I setup camp and wandered around. A small stream right behind my camp site.
Of course then I had to look at the days pictures
It rained pretty good in the night and I awoke to the most amazing skys, it was raining in the valley and the sun was coming up. I grabbed my camera and walked up the road to get a good view of the valley, I turned on the camera and it was dead. The live view button must have been pressed and the battery drained overnight, I don't have a spare. I grabbed my pos point and shoot and tried to capture the sunrise.
After I packed up getting my battery recharged became my first priority, something that would become a theme for the next couple of days. I found a cafe, ordered breakfast and asked the waitress for somewhere to plug in my charger. After breakfast and getting a partial charge I headed out to the parking lot and saw this.
I saddled up and headed to Utah, it wasn't far I was just on the border. Actually on one side of this road was UT and NV on the other. The last couple of shots from NV, at least on the outbound trip:D
And one more of the bike, we bikers are a funny bunch we always wind up with lots of pics of our bikes parked somewhere.
Up next UT, AZ, and NM. I'm still in NM as I write this, I head for home on Monday.
Well I was all geared up and heading up into the hills, I saw this old mining town off the main road. I figured if I took a couple of dirt roads I could get over there. It was really interesting to see what they dragged up this mountain in the middle of nowhere to get lead and zinc. It looked cold in the winter and hot in the summer, they were a tough bunch those miners.
As I was heading back to the main road I took a different route, this was taken right after the No Trespassing sign, they really should mark all the roads
A teaser for the next installment, when it absolutely has to be there the next day
It is a sweet little road, it is hard to concentrate on the corners with scenery like this abounding
This is where I saw the luckiest FedEx driver on the planet.
Imagine having to drive here every day
I rode this twisty little gem of a road, it wound in and out of the park, turned to dirt for a little while and then dropped me just outside of Cedar City UT. I headed up the Canyon, found a campsite and headed up to Cedar Breaks right before sunset
I headed back to camp and got there just as the sun was setting.
Well I'm back on the bike in the morning, I will finish this when I get home next week.
Canon 350D
24-70 2.8L
70-200 2.8L IS
580EX II
1.4x Extender
Gitzo 3531 w/ RRS BH-55 Ballhead
RRS L-Plate, quick release clamp and plates
My blog: HERE
After loading up I headed to Page AZ and Antelope Canyon
I will just let the pics do the talking
You have to take a tour for both the upper and lower canyons now, I took a tripod but never used it. You have to move too fast and there are too many people for a tripod. Fast glass and VR are a must, don't plan on changing lenses because it is very dusty.
My favorite
This looks like a huge canyon system but everything is scaled down
These formations are only 4 to 6 feet high
A wider shot, these "trees" are actually bushes are only about 6' tall
Well I finally arrive at the campground setup camp and I decide to wander around.
Pueblo Bonita
Old road sign
You don't want to be standing under this rock when it decides to fall
I've been seeing this grass along the road for a hundred miles. Anyone know what it is called
The trail up to the top of the mesa, not for the feint of heart.
Made it to the top
Somebody put a bunch of effort making this hole in the ground, it was all by itself out there on top of the mesa
More amazing rock formations
for scale
I just sat up there watching the ravens and enjoying the solitude, that shadow bump on the right is me
A nice spot to just sit and think of the amount of work that went into building these sturctures
Mind the gap
Some lonely flowers
The way back down
Back to the campsite
The moon was full so I was out of luck for shooting star trails
The next installment will be ABQ and the reason for the trip. I was headed down to spend time with my kids
San Felipe de Neri Church
The flowers were blooming
I guess they are not open on Tuesdays
We also did some hiking
My blog: HERE
After breakfast we went back to wander around, who would have thought that there would be cottonwood trees in the middle of the sand dunes, apparently the water-table is just 3 feet below the dunes.
The immense amount of sand is mind blowing
There is a space museum in Alamogordo NM, this is the remains of a V2. We grabbed hundreds of rail cars of Nazi rocket equipment after WWII, as well as a bunch of scientists.
An experimental drone
Then next installment the road home.
I'm completely awestruck...
I got lucky the flowers were blooming.
This reminded me of that Star Trek Episode where they jump through the portal and go back in time.
Life and Death
You have to keep your eyes out for these, or else you will be wandering around the desert
I love these desert trees, I havent' been able to catch their vibrancy.
Sheeps rock, no idea why the call it that
View from my tent the next morning
I've been busy moving and unpacking this week, I hope to get this finished next week
I love the twisted trees.
On the road into the park
Cool farm right next to the campground.
I saw this tree and thought it might make a nice shot, looking at it later I thought just a boring shot.
Then this guy got curious about me. He just appeared out of nowhere.
It is too bad that I had my AF on the wrong setting.
Not to say that I missed the rain by much
It made for interesting skies, really changed what would normally be a pretty boring (if high speed) ride into a visual feast.
I saw this rainbow and quickly pulled over.
When I reached the top of the hill this was the sight that greeted me
When I hit Austin NV, I headed North. It wasn't looking promising dark clouds to my west. I talked to a couple that had just ridden through that storm and they said it was pretty brutal. I put on my rain gear and my heated gear and headed North. I was doing well for about 20 miles and then it started raining pretty hard. I just put my head down and kept going, there was nowhere to stop. They say Hwy 50 is the loneliest road in America, well let me tell you there is plenty of traffic on Hwy 50. It is 88 miles from Austin to Battle Mountain on Hwy 305 and I saw exactly 3 cars. I passed a truck and I saw two cars coming the other direction. That is lonely
My rainy ride paid off with the sunset.
I love this shot
This looked like a spaceship to me
A crown for the mountain
One last bike shot
One more sunset shot
From here I rolled 2 short miles into Battle Mountain. I was planning on camping but since I was dripping wet, well my gear was, I was was warm and dry. I grabbed a hotel.
Thanks for your comments, I hope you enjoyed my journey.