VC IR Cemetery shots (3) repost from STF
Hi All,
Thought I might share some of these with those that didn't see them last month on STF. Just three for now. Don't you know that three is the meaning of life:rofl.
I know this one is dead center, but it is the Masonic section.

Hope you enjoy these,
I'm beginning to think my photography is going to the dark side:dunno.
Thought I might share some of these with those that didn't see them last month on STF. Just three for now. Don't you know that three is the meaning of life:rofl.
I know this one is dead center, but it is the Masonic section.

Hope you enjoy these,
I'm beginning to think my photography is going to the dark side:dunno.
A picture is but words to the eyes.
Comments are always welcome.
I like them. They are infared? They would look darker if they were dark instead of light colored tombs and stuff. I them all a lot. Keep them come'n
And I don't really like IR or B&W -- unless used in a creative appropriate manner, and this was a great application for it.
Great Job!
Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life...Picasso
I absolutely love the look of these Chris. My word, how everything looks so SHARP, sharp, sharp. Have to love the contrasts and the mood. Very clever work
These are some of my favorites that I've shot. I have few more that I'll post soon. I'll be going back there throughout the summer to get more shots as I never have enough time in a day to capture the whole thing.
I think this place would be a great site for an IR shootout. I'd love to see others work from this same place, a different treatise on the same subject.
Thanks for looking and sharing your comments,
A picture is but words to the eyes.
Comments are always welcome.