RAF Cosford Air Show (UK) - 14th June
Great day at the annual RAF Cosford Air Show.
Full gallery can be viewed [HERE]
#1 - The show was opened by the parachute display team

#2 - ... who were jumping out of this

#3 - Wing-Walkers actually released themselves from their harness for some of the display (nutters)

#4 - Popping balloons

#5 - The awesome 'Red Arrows'
Full gallery can be viewed [HERE]
#1 - The show was opened by the parachute display team

#2 - ... who were jumping out of this

#3 - Wing-Walkers actually released themselves from their harness for some of the display (nutters)

#4 - Popping balloons

#5 - The awesome 'Red Arrows'

Really well done, love the crispness of the images, and the colors are nice and vibrant.
Great Shots, Looks like you had a wonderful time!!
Burleson, Texas