New pro account, I'm lost already!
I decided to go for a pro account so I could start to set my own pricing, and wanting something a little more professional looking for the clients.
I was succsessful at paying for the account, getting a domain name, but now my domain name does not show up anywhere, I cannot find where to set prices up, I customized and all that came up were the nav bar titles, can't figure how to put info in there.
I am going to give up, this will never happen for me, it sounded like it would be easy, but it is not for me. What do I do now?:dunno
I was succsessful at paying for the account, getting a domain name, but now my domain name does not show up anywhere, I cannot find where to set prices up, I customized and all that came up were the nav bar titles, can't figure how to put info in there.
I am going to give up, this will never happen for me, it sounded like it would be easy, but it is not for me. What do I do now?:dunno
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As gerbil said, hang in there! We're really sorry to hear that it's been frustrating but we are pretty confident that if you take your time and make sure to ask for help, you'll get a site that works great for you.
After a little detectivework, I think I see your site here, is this correct?
If so, you're off to a great start! You do have a header as well as a nav bar, but I see that your page title (in pink) is just the same font size. In the Easy Customer, just click on the Header line and make sure to increase the font to something greater than the 14 point that it currently is so that it stands out.
If you want to design your own banner image, you can always do that and upload it to your Site Files gallery, then have the Easy Customizer use that instead of the pink text.
Domain name help can be found right here:
But of course if you want our domain experts to help get that set up for you, please write the heroes at the help desk.
Custom pricing is found in each gallery's Tools button. Just open up any gallery, click on Tools > This gallery > Set pricing and you'll be taken to a whole new area. You can set the gallery-level pricing, or your portfolio (default) pricing. We suggest you start with Portfolio so that you don't have any unpriced galleries to worry about, but that's up to you.
Again, please hang in there and just take it step by step. If you're up for more reading, Andy's Fast Start is a great place to look at for new Pros:
And of course, ping us here or via email if you ever get stuck or need more help.
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