
WOOT!!!!!! New Lens!!!!!

OldakerOldaker Registered Users Posts: 60 Big grins
edited June 19, 2009 in Sports
I am so happy, came home from work today, and the wife had went out and got the new lens i have been wanting, Nikon 70-200 f2.8 :wink:lust

after drooling all over it for a while, i went down to ballfield to give it a try,
low light though, it was about 615pm and getting ready to rain, so the sky was all gray and dim looking, but here is a shot i took

what do you think, only thing i did was crop and little bit of sharpening(which im still learning how to do and how much)



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    TosserTosser Registered Users Posts: 65 Big grins
    edited June 17, 2009
    Good timing, seperation between the batter and background, and the processing looks pretty fair. You'll love the lens - make sure to shoot it wide open!

    Now if only we could get rid of those pesky spectators!
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    OldakerOldaker Registered Users Posts: 60 Big grins
    edited June 17, 2009
    Tosser wrote:
    Good timing, seperation between the batter and background, and the processing looks pretty fair. You'll love the lens - make sure to shoot it wide open!

    Now if only we could get rid of those pesky spectators!

    yes i know the spectators in background are really hard to avoid at these ballfields around here.

    I wish i knew more about post processing and what to do, but im learning and reading

    i was just looking through your galleries for the cubs 09,, are you out on the field with some of your shots?
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    TosserTosser Registered Users Posts: 65 Big grins
    edited June 19, 2009
    The league does not allow guys with cameras on the field during games unless you are the "official league photographer" which I am not. This is just my kid's team. Most of those shots were taken through the chainlink fence around the field. One or two games were shot over the fence when the field had a low baseline fence. The headshots were pregame on the field.

    Most were taken with the 70-200 f2.8 with the lens hood pushed right up against the fence, centered in the fence "holes." Some were shot with a 300 the same way. The hood keeps the glass off the metal fencing. I generally shoot from a low position, typically on my knees.

    Shooting through the fence limits what you can do, and makes it difficult to get a lot of good plays. I generally have to point the camera where I think the action will be and wait (for example, runner on first and anticipate a play at second). The one posted are not all great, but I try to get each kid in a few even if they are not involved in the best action.

    As for processing, I do very little. I shoot in raw, adjust exposure, contrast, highlights and shadows, and USM. On the high ISO shots, I may run a light dose of Noise Ninja. Crop and straighten. I did all the "Cubs" through PSE6. That's about it. I recently picked up LR2, so I'm starting over on the learning curve.

    Let me know if there is anything else I can answer.
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