Printing security - dont want photos to move to base catalogue..
Im moving over from a pro to a power account as soon as my pro expires.
Ive been advised by a couple of the very friendly people at smugmug that I will need to turn off the PRINTABLE option in any galleries that I do not want images/prints purchased from as they will be made available at the wholesale/default cost. And you will need to remove any watermarks in place, as well.
Apparently if leave printing on any of them all sales made off my site will be at their base catalog prices and I won't be notified of any sales, have these
orders tracked, or have profits earned from them.
I was a little shocked at this. As I thought I should give permission of my photos to be sold and by not changing every option then smugmug could sell them themselves and keep the profits without me being informed. As Im moving to power I didnt think there was a print option but I now guess there is.
The problem lies with me having LOTS of galleries. It would take me forever to go through each one and rename them.
The tech guy said that I could create a quicksetting. But that would mean me saving one setting for every gallery. When I am using different themes for each and different settings for each.
Is there a simple way to cancel / turn off printing on all of my galleries/photos? - Without messing around with any of the other settings.
Ive tried using the smugbrowser but think that requires me going into every gallery too?
My email client is playing up so havent been able to send emails for hours so any help here would be muchly appreciated.
Im moving over from a pro to a power account as soon as my pro expires.
Ive been advised by a couple of the very friendly people at smugmug that I will need to turn off the PRINTABLE option in any galleries that I do not want images/prints purchased from as they will be made available at the wholesale/default cost. And you will need to remove any watermarks in place, as well.
Apparently if leave printing on any of them all sales made off my site will be at their base catalog prices and I won't be notified of any sales, have these
orders tracked, or have profits earned from them.
I was a little shocked at this. As I thought I should give permission of my photos to be sold and by not changing every option then smugmug could sell them themselves and keep the profits without me being informed. As Im moving to power I didnt think there was a print option but I now guess there is.
The problem lies with me having LOTS of galleries. It would take me forever to go through each one and rename them.
The tech guy said that I could create a quicksetting. But that would mean me saving one setting for every gallery. When I am using different themes for each and different settings for each.
Is there a simple way to cancel / turn off printing on all of my galleries/photos? - Without messing around with any of the other settings.
Ive tried using the smugbrowser but think that requires me going into every gallery too?
My email client is playing up so havent been able to send emails for hours so any help here would be muchly appreciated.
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Wont the quicksetting I use in one gallery override the rest of the features in the other galleries though?
Say for instance I went into galllery A with a blue theme and right click protection off, and chose to turn off printing. If I applied that to all galleries wouldnt all of my galleries themes be overrided and have blue themes on them and the same settings that gallery A has? Such as right click protection off?
(I don't know if that makes sense sorry).
Is there a way to just send an instruction to all galleries to switch printing off without changing all of the custom individual gallery settings?
My suggestion would be to try SmugBrowser (and add-in for Firefox) that will let you change a single setting (like the printable settings) for all galleries in a category, sub-category or your whole site.
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Thanks for the confirmation
I've painstakingly gone thorugh every gallery and switched the print option off on everyone
I've asked if there a way to check if this has been done on an admin level? Just in case I left any off? (I doubt I have but would be good to get verification).
Or a way to see when I downgrade to power if any of my photos get added to the base catalogue? That way I can see if any have slipped through the net.
Will report back on here with the reply.
Be good to have a feature so that you could apply a feature (like turning printing off) across every gallery, without interfering with the customization of it.
There is not, I'm sorry.
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