Bug Report: clicking "More >" in tools menu causes return page to fail

Reproducible: 3/3
Browsers: Firefox 3.0, IE8
Click "Tools" -> click "More >" -> Click "Edit Geography"
after editing a Lat/Long, the page that the browser redirects me to is this:
which will load the header of the page, the set information, but no photos. deleting the #thisPhotoMoreSubMenu from the url will cause the page to load properly.
Same Issue applies when doing Click "Tools" -> click "More" -> Click "Apply Color Effect", then hitting "Back to Gallery" on the color effect page.
so... it appears that the click on "More >" adds the #thisPhotoMoreSubMenu to the url, and it's not being trimmed off on the next page, thus causing the redirect back to fail.
...all of which i figured out while writing this report. at least i know the workaround now, but i thought i'd at least pass it on.
Browsers: Firefox 3.0, IE8
Click "Tools" -> click "More >" -> Click "Edit Geography"
after editing a Lat/Long, the page that the browser redirects me to is this:
which will load the header of the page, the set information, but no photos. deleting the #thisPhotoMoreSubMenu from the url will cause the page to load properly.
Same Issue applies when doing Click "Tools" -> click "More" -> Click "Apply Color Effect", then hitting "Back to Gallery" on the color effect page.
so... it appears that the click on "More >" adds the #thisPhotoMoreSubMenu to the url, and it's not being trimmed off on the next page, thus causing the redirect back to fail.
...all of which i figured out while writing this report. at least i know the workaround now, but i thought i'd at least pass it on.