Eastern State Penitentiary

I'll be heading back up north the end of July to spend some time with Mom and Dad. I'll be driving up from Charlotte and intend to hit Eastern State Penitentiary on the way home. If anyone has shot there before I'd like any feedback or tips you might have. In particular I'm wondering about using a tripod vs. monopod. The web site says either is permitted as long as your not blocking anyone. I'll be hitting ESP mid week so hopefully the crowds might be a bit lighter. I'd also appreciate any tips on got to have shots.
And no mom and dad are not guests of ESP, but they do still live in NJ so you might say they are doin hard time.
And no mom and dad are not guests of ESP, but they do still live in NJ so you might say they are doin hard time.
"But you and I, we’ve been through that, and this is not our fate. - Dylan 1968"