Songbirds of the SW

Every morning here recently my wife and I have been woken by a pair of songbirds shortly after dawn. This morning I was finally able to get a couple snapshots of them in action.
This is a pink warbler. I didn't know their range extended into South-Central AZ, but there she was, just singing away for all she was worth.

And this is a more brash little virtuoso, the blonde-crested magpie.

It was evident from their slightly disheveled appearance that I'd managed to catch them before they'd done their morning grooming...
This is a pink warbler. I didn't know their range extended into South-Central AZ, but there she was, just singing away for all she was worth.

And this is a more brash little virtuoso, the blonde-crested magpie.

It was evident from their slightly disheveled appearance that I'd managed to catch them before they'd done their morning grooming...
Too cute! I was gonna suggest to post this on the "Wild side"
Nikon D700 x2/D300
Nikon 70-200 2.8/50 1.8/85 1.8/14.24 2.8