Reading the

Please help me interpret my detailed statistics.
When I open the statistics page for an album they generally look like this...that is the first photo in an album will have a larger number of photo views (particularity the small, medium, large, & xlarge) and a larger bandwidth value.
Is it fair to assume that this means that most of my guests are opening the album and only viewing the first page and photo?
Or is there another logical explanation I'm missing :dunno
(I'm really just curious about the statistics page...I know that I should enable Google Analytics if I want more detailed statistics).
When I open the statistics page for an album they generally look like this...that is the first photo in an album will have a larger number of photo views (particularity the small, medium, large, & xlarge) and a larger bandwidth value.
Is it fair to assume that this means that most of my guests are opening the album and only viewing the first page and photo?
Or is there another logical explanation I'm missing :dunno
(I'm really just curious about the statistics page...I know that I should enable Google Analytics if I want more detailed statistics).

With something like Google Analytics (or StatCounter which is what I use), you can follow individual viewers and see their viewing pattern to answer more of these questions.
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everyone viewing the gallery/album will trigger one 'hit' at their default size - so the total number of views of the first image = everyone who entered the gallery/album + the number of times they viewed it at their non-default size.
After that, they either leave the gallery and go somewhere else, or browse through the other images. This accounts for the views on the other images.
So the first page in a gallery will always get a lot more hits, as everyone enters by viewing it.
The above is my interpretation - others may have other versions.
Wedding Photographer Dublin
After thinking about your comments for a bit...I decided to add StatCounter to my site.
It is simple and easy and has already provided me with a couple of interesting fun facts!