Another double BIF and other fowl shots :-)

Steve CaviglianoSteve Cavigliano Super Moderators Posts: 3,599 moderator
edited June 18, 2005 in Wildlife
Hello all,
If you've been following Andy's food you know that he's out here on the Left Coast again. We've had a few weeks of beautiful weather. Unfortunately, it seems every time Andy visits the weather gets bad. It didn't rain until today, but Tues and Wed late afternoons weren't great. We hit the Perc Ponds late Tuessday afternoon. We only spent about 1/2 hour there as it was getting close to dinner time...LOL Not much to shoot and not much time to shoot. So I was reduced to taking pics of Canadian Honkers :rolleyes :lol3

Baby Honker

Mama Honker Headshot :rofl


Wednesday wasn't too bad until we left to go shooting. As we drove to the Baylands we could see the fog rolling over the mountians on it's way down to the valley. We spent about an hour or so shooting and there were so many egrets and herons we got a few double BIFs :):

Double Snowy BIF coming in for a landing :uhoh

A couple of fledglings discussing whether plastic bags are good to eat :rofl

The fog turned into low clouds and it started to get cold. It figures since Andy rented a convertible...LOL One of my last shots wound up being a white on white shot :dunno

Not much shooting this time around, but our dinners were excellent :eat

Maybe we will get some more time to shoot tomorrow afternoon :dunno

Thanks for looking :D

SmugMug Support Hero


  • Ann McRaeAnn McRae Registered Users Posts: 4,584 Major grins
    edited June 17, 2005
    Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow!

    I've never seen a Canada gosling before - it is sooo darn cute!

    But, Steve, the double bif is great. And the white on white is absolutely wonderful!
    great job!

  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited June 17, 2005
    nice work, mate!

    the double egret-bif is very cool. nice and sharp, really. well done steve. really nice work.

    me? bring rain?


  • jwearjwear Registered Users Posts: 8,014 Major grins
    edited June 17, 2005
    well steve you not only know the birds names but you shot them well also thumb.gif:D just think what you may have done if raining andy was not there ne_nau.gif the egret shoots are great, I was going to post a gbh but not now rolleyes1.gif very well done thumb.gifclap.gif
    Jeff W

  • bfjrbfjr Registered Users Posts: 10,980 Major grins
    edited June 17, 2005
    Very nice series Steve thumb.gif
    But that Dbl BIF and Last BIF are like you say Killahs
  • HarrybHarryb Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 22,708 Major grins
    edited June 17, 2005
    Hey Steve,

    Excellent shots as always. clap.gif Shooting with Andy is always a learning experience. I learned how to shoot in rain, snow, and the freezing cold while shooting with him. If California ever has a drought again fly Andy in.

    Harry NANPA member
    How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
  • Steve CaviglianoSteve Cavigliano Super Moderators Posts: 3,599 moderator
    edited June 17, 2005
    Ann McRae wrote:
    Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow!

    I've never seen a Canada gosling before - it is sooo darn cute!

    But, Steve, the double bif is great. And the white on white is absolutely wonderful!
    great job!

    Thanks Ann :D

    And I agree those little goslings are real cute. Those little tiny wings and those great big I've been shooting egrets at that place for 8 months and this is the first time I've been able to get a double. Plus Andy gets one of 2 herons to boot rolleyes1.gif

    Thanks for responding,
    SmugMug Support Hero
  • Steve CaviglianoSteve Cavigliano Super Moderators Posts: 3,599 moderator
    edited June 17, 2005
    andy wrote:
    nice work, mate!

    the double egret-bif is very cool. nice and sharp, really. well done steve. really nice work.

    me? bring rain?


    Thanks Andy :D

    Nah, you wouldn't intentionally bring rain. But it just may follow you Today looks good, so far thumb.gif

    Thanks for looking and see ya in a few hours,
    SmugMug Support Hero
  • Steve CaviglianoSteve Cavigliano Super Moderators Posts: 3,599 moderator
    edited June 17, 2005
    jwear wrote:
    well steve you not only know the birds names but you shot them well also thumb.gif:D just think what you may have done if raining andy was not there ne_nau.gif the egret shoots are great, I was going to post a gbh but not now rolleyes1.gif very well done thumb.gifclap.gif
    Thanks Jeff :D

    Yeah, it's sort of spooky how the rain coincides with Andy's visits :uhoh Jeff, if you were goiing to post a GBH, go right ahead and post it. These pics are decent, but surely nothing more. Post your GBH proudly buddy thumb.gif

    Thanks for your comments,
    SmugMug Support Hero
  • Steve CaviglianoSteve Cavigliano Super Moderators Posts: 3,599 moderator
    edited June 17, 2005
    bfjr wrote:
    Very nice series Steve thumb.gif
    But that Dbl BIF and Last BIF are like you say Killahs
    Thanks Ben :D

    I am glad you liked those two shots :): We really didn't click off many shots, so I was happy to get a few decent ones. I was really looking for one of those quails But, you had the luck there mwink.gif

    Thanks for taking the time to comment,
    SmugMug Support Hero
  • Steve CaviglianoSteve Cavigliano Super Moderators Posts: 3,599 moderator
    edited June 17, 2005
    Harryb wrote:
    Hey Steve,

    Excellent shots as always. clap.gif Shooting with Andy is always a learning experience. I learned how to shoot in rain, snow, and the freezing cold while shooting with him. If California ever has a drought again fly Andy in.

    Thanks Harry :D

    Well it seems like when Andy comes out that's the only time I get to go shooting :lol So he can bring snow for all I :uhoh Wait, I was only kidding rolleyes1.gif

    Thanks for looking Harry,
    SmugMug Support Hero
  • DeeDee Registered Users Posts: 2,981 Major grins
    edited June 17, 2005
    I can't believe the babies are so big
    and that "baby honker" is adorable! Good catch with the double BIF...

    By the time I get back down there they will be fully grown! Wonder where they go when fully grown? Migrate? Things I never learned in school.

    It's beautiful here at the coast so far, hope you and Andy get some good shooting weather!
  • gaylenickgaylenick Registered Users Posts: 71 Big grins
    edited June 17, 2005
    Steve -

    I love the baby gosling and the Mother's head shot. My favorite is the single egret in flight. WOW!
    On to Andy...rain, sleet, snow and freezing cold have all been attributed to him, now earthquakes when he comes to visit...that is some intense karma.
    Hope your shooting today is sunny and shake free.

  • SeamusSeamus Registered Users Posts: 1,573 Major grins
    edited June 17, 2005
    Steve, the bif's are excellent but the first pic of the chick is the one that got my attention thumb.gif . looks like the two of you had a good day thumb.gif

  • nzmacronzmacro Registered Users Posts: 200 Major grins
    edited June 17, 2005
    Phew, I'll leave the avian shots to the experts. Man these are nice Steve. Fantastic in flight shots. Yep[ that first ones a cutie alright :):

    All the best Steve, excellent shots and work. thumb.gifthumb.gif

  • Steve CaviglianoSteve Cavigliano Super Moderators Posts: 3,599 moderator
    edited June 18, 2005
    Dee wrote:
    and that "baby honker" is adorable! Good catch with the double BIF...

    By the time I get back down there they will be fully grown! Wonder where they go when fully grown? Migrate? Things I never learned in school.

    It's beautiful here at the coast so far, hope you and Andy get some good shooting weather!
    Thanks Dee :D

    Yep, those little honkers are so cute iloveyou.gif As for where they go, I think some of them live around here year-round (I see loads of them at Vassona) and some migrate. I remember in the late 60's I was stationed in Sacramento and we used to go out before dawn to a lake North of the city and watch the wildlife. As the Sun would come up we'd hear these faint honks ne_nau.gif We'd look up and about 3000 feet up would be vee formations of migrating Canadian Geese. It was very kewl thumb.gif

    As for the coast it was mixed. We got down to Point Lobos and the fog started rolling in bigtime. Andy was out on a cliff shooting and within minutes, I could no longer see Still, we had a great lunch at Phil's :eat and got a few nice shots in IR and color. As soon as I clear enough hard drive space I can upload

    Thanks for looking and commenting,
    SmugMug Support Hero
  • Steve CaviglianoSteve Cavigliano Super Moderators Posts: 3,599 moderator
    edited June 18, 2005
    gaylenick wrote:
    Steve -

    I love the baby gosling and the Mother's head shot. My favorite is the single egret in flight. WOW!
    On to Andy...rain, sleet, snow and freezing cold have all been attributed to him, now earthquakes when he comes to visit...that is some intense karma.
    Hope your shooting today is sunny and shake free.

    Thanks Gayle :D

    As you can read in my post to Dee, the day wasn't bad at all thumb.gif The only shaking we had was due to our own

    Thanks again for your comments,
    SmugMug Support Hero
  • Steve CaviglianoSteve Cavigliano Super Moderators Posts: 3,599 moderator
    edited June 18, 2005
    Seamus wrote:
    Steve, the bif's are excellent but the first pic of the chick is the one that got my attention thumb.gif . looks like the two of you had a good day thumb.gif

    Thanks Shay :D

    We always have a good day, whether we get any shots or not thumb.gif We always have fun and we always eat

    Thanks for commenting,
    SmugMug Support Hero
  • Steve CaviglianoSteve Cavigliano Super Moderators Posts: 3,599 moderator
    edited June 18, 2005
    nzmacro wrote:
    Phew, I'll leave the avian shots to the experts. Man these are nice Steve. Fantastic in flight shots. Yep[ that first ones a cutie alright :):

    All the best Steve, excellent shots and work. thumb.gifthumb.gif

    Thanks Danny :D

    The way you feel about bird shots, is how I feel about macros. I like to do them, but I have never gotten close to the quality results folks like yourself seem to get everytime out ne_nau.gif So I'll stick to the birds and you cover the macro

    Thanks for your comments,
    SmugMug Support Hero
  • ehughesehughes Registered Users Posts: 1,675 Major grins
    edited June 18, 2005
    Just awesome Steve thumb.gif
  • Trish323Trish323 Registered Users Posts: 908 Major grins
    edited June 18, 2005

    A DOUBLE BIF???? Jeeesh...I can't even get half of a singlerolleyes1.gif Love each is excellent!

    I am kinda beginning to wonder if Andy and Harry are the photography "weather devils".....ever since Harry arrived in Florida we have had very unusual weather...........................hmmmm
  • KhaosKhaos Registered Users Posts: 2,435 Major grins
    edited June 18, 2005
    thumb.gifthumb.gif Awesome set! I love everyone. Great lighting and exposure!clap.gif
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