Need help removing red cast from photo?
I have 3 programs: Lightroom2, Elements 6 and PSP 12 (aka X2). This little girl was hot and she is extremely fair skinned and her face just always had a red cast. Playing with red, green, blue (and magentas, cyans blah blah)...I just suck at this part and can't get it to look right. Cooling the photo down in LR2 served to make the white dress too blue but her face still had a red cast, trying the diff tools in Elements didn't work either. I have a few photos she is in that I need to color correct and it is overwhelming playing with the doff color values when I really don't even understand what I am doing completely. It could be a red cast or magenta- shoot I dunno! LOL
Can someone help me figure it out please? And also her brother has a totally diff skin tone (nice golden tan color) and she is pink! Can anyone give me tips on trying to help her pink/red cast while not making him look weird? (his skin tone is great!)
This is an unedited image:
Can someone help me figure it out please? And also her brother has a totally diff skin tone (nice golden tan color) and she is pink! Can anyone give me tips on trying to help her pink/red cast while not making him look weird? (his skin tone is great!)
This is an unedited image: