Dell 2005FPW Feedback?

Hello - I'm a lurker who's finally got something to post (er..ask) about.
At work Dell accidentally sent us some 2005FPW's - Dell's 20" widescreen flat panels. We don't want them, but Dell's offering to knock the price down if we keep them...this all ends with the office saying we're either sending them back or letting employees buy them to take home.
So, I can get one of these for $411, which seems like a steal to me. Does anyone here have one? (Nikolai? I think I saw your name when I searched) I've read all sorts of reviews and user feedback and it seems fairly positive all around, but I really want to hear what digital photographers think - I've been wanting a new monitor for quite awhile now because the color on my current CRT is really really really bad. I'm only an amateur photographer / image editor, but I want to know what y'all think of the quality of this monitor, because I want something that'll be good for looking at and working with my photos (..and gaming, and watching movies, but I've already checked up on those bits
Thanks in advance, and it's good to be here.
At work Dell accidentally sent us some 2005FPW's - Dell's 20" widescreen flat panels. We don't want them, but Dell's offering to knock the price down if we keep them...this all ends with the office saying we're either sending them back or letting employees buy them to take home.
So, I can get one of these for $411, which seems like a steal to me. Does anyone here have one? (Nikolai? I think I saw your name when I searched) I've read all sorts of reviews and user feedback and it seems fairly positive all around, but I really want to hear what digital photographers think - I've been wanting a new monitor for quite awhile now because the color on my current CRT is really really really bad. I'm only an amateur photographer / image editor, but I want to know what y'all think of the quality of this monitor, because I want something that'll be good for looking at and working with my photos (..and gaming, and watching movies, but I've already checked up on those bits

Thanks in advance, and it's good to be here.

When you've got a moment, why not take a look at the User Control Panel and see what's
available to you in the way of customization.
Look forward to your contributions!
If you can get one for $400 - it IS as steal.
I got mine in the end of January 2005. I posted a few shots on it here. So far I like it a lot. It's great with PS - you have enough screen real estate to maximize the image AND still have all the tools fully visible.
Being honest, I don't know anything about this monitor... But if it lasts 2 years, like my ViewSonic PF790 which I spent just a bit more than this for, it's worth every penny. I'm not so much looking at the quality... but you can't beat that price!!!
Actually, I found this rating. And, here are a few more...
Totally! Especially with the surround sound:-)
BTW, asd, if you have a bunch of them, I'd also buy 3 or 4 for this price:-)
As for there being extras...I doubt it. There are only 3 to begin with and several coworkers expressed interest in them today when we were talking about them.
Nikolai - Cool; I didn't know you'd put up photos. Thanks for the link..
ian - Thanks, and I'll definitely poke around.
luckyrwe -