Fort Worth - couple night shots

Took my wife out for her 35th bday on a little bike ride and we ended up in downtown Fort Worth, so natually.. i wanted to walk around for a few pics. These are SOOC with no post (yet).
C&C welcomed as always...
D50 - 50mm / 1.8 @ 3.2 1/25 iso200

D50 - 50mm / 1.8 @ 2.8 1/30 iso200

This one was more of a "snapshot", but I still kinda liked it.

thanks for looking
C&C welcomed as always...
D50 - 50mm / 1.8 @ 3.2 1/25 iso200

D50 - 50mm / 1.8 @ 2.8 1/30 iso200

This one was more of a "snapshot", but I still kinda liked it.

thanks for looking
Very nicely done, Great Shots of Cowtown!!!
Great colors and choice of subjects.
Happy Birthday to your Wife!!!
Look forward to seeing more of FTW through your eyes!!
Burleson, Texas
(My real name is John but Jack'll do)
Any thoughts on where to start with some post.. i'm struggling a bit as I don't see much difference in my "normal" processing that i do.
thanks again guys.. have a great weekend and happy shooting.
Kind of nice to not have to worry that much about post processing, I think all 3 of them are very nicely done as they are, maybe on the last a little more detail of your Wife and bike, and darkening the sky a little to highlight her a little more.
On the tripod subject, you might look into one of the "Gorilla Pods" I have the SLR one and it will support quite a bit of weight, you'll be a little low on perspective but that opens up a lot of neat shots as well. So that combined with a little remote shutter release and you'll be set for many more adventures.
Here' the link
Burleson, Texas
oh, cool.. thanks for the link (added to cart
I like the perspective on this one
this one.. not framed so well
last one - the happy wife