DSS #28 - The Eastman Chronicles
I actually have an idea for a shot that I like better, but all the pieces aren't in place yet, and I can't really enter an idea instead of a photo.
So anyway, I'm at the Eastman Theatre for my wife's kid brother's graduation, and for the first time in forever they don't have "Absolutely no photography" signs posted every five feet.
So here's some shots: C&C appreciated.
#1. Chandelier

#2. More Chandelier

#3. Still More Chandelier

#4. Drinking fountain, baroque style
So anyway, I'm at the Eastman Theatre for my wife's kid brother's graduation, and for the first time in forever they don't have "Absolutely no photography" signs posted every five feet.
So here's some shots: C&C appreciated.
#1. Chandelier

#2. More Chandelier

#3. Still More Chandelier

#4. Drinking fountain, baroque style

It's got MY vote.
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You have me baited on that secret idea now..
what is it..???? ohhh....> do tell..:D
There is no telling what you have up your sleeve studio wise..
previously X-files,, hmm, CSI maybe? how about a hint?
@Kat -- don't want to be premature, as there are still a few things for me to puzzle out, but it'll be a pretty straightforward still life, unlike my previous entries "flashlight on eggs" or "colored water in a bottle."
There's also a landscape shot I want to try, but the weather here has not been cooperating. :cry
As far as CC on #1.. yes,, it needs some punch, but just a little, if you give it too much, you will lose that natural mood to it... maybe give those squares some depth with the shadows and highlight tool in PS, the midtone contrast tool will do that for you.. it will make the squares look more chiseled.
I really like this one, it hits the theme perfectly.....
Other than that, Sweet!
The only thing left that you might want to try is to apply an unsharp mask of 20/50/0 to it to add some local contrast and see how you like it.
Thanks. One Two and Three are both the same chandelier. Don't know if I made that explicit.
That is one beautiful chandelier.
... and as a native Rochesterian who spent many evenings at the Eastman Theater, this gets hometown nostalgia votes from me as well. It's so beautiful inside. I've heard that there might be some revamping/restoration budgeted for future years...
just lovely.
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Thanks. I like #3 a lot as well.
#1. Chandelier (the current favorite.)
#2 Museum of Play (reshoot possible depending on weather.)
#3 "That was Easy."
#4. Puzzled.
#5 "52 Down."
That's a tough one to decide.
I am loving # 2.. the color cubes.. Brian has a point..!!! they are strong and lead your eyes right to the subjects....
More space on the left between the block and circle, and some clone clean up on the pole, and super wow factor here, especially if you would be willing to mask in a layer of blue sky with fluffy white clouds...YUM.:ivar
Kat, I'd probably just reshoot. The weather this weekend was awful. This was literally me seeing a break in the clouds, dashing out of the museum and snapping away. It is an awkward vantage point to get that exact shot though ... a little off and the illusion is ruined.
I'd prefer to do a reshoot now that the weather has broken. My four-year old likes going to the Strong Museum for some reason so I have an excuse to get back out there ... but it prolly won't be til Saturday. Cutting it close ...
Sure is a strong entry.. and so colorful too....
Here's a quicky crop of #3.
It's a cleaner photo without the cut off but the other is more interesting due to the angle, tough call
Ok I took a longer look at them and came up with an idea, since the background is almost black you could do less of a crop from the sides and extend the background with black on the bottom blending it in. The area outside the main circle is very interesting and while the first one with the cut off does this through the vertical this way you could get it on the horizontal.
The composition is very well balanced, the circles are entirely there, and the whole has life,
with the gorgeous addition of the small lights on the circle of candles.
I personally think that this is a beautiful photo - much better now than #1
PS: The light and details are just fantastic.
- I wouldn't change this for any of the other shots...
(noise comes and goes, but real value will remain)
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"a break in the weather", "blue sky"... I think we're forgetting what town this is in, people, ROCHESTER! That grey sky IS a nice day
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