Opening image from bridge to PS3
Back when I had CS2 I could double click on an image and open it in PS. After I got CS3, about 2 months before CS4 came out unfortunately, I have to go to file and use open in camera RAW. I've lived with it all this time, but I wish I could still double click to open in PS.
Is their a way to double click and open?
Is their a way to double click and open?
CTRL-R opens in Bridge, when you just want to do your RAW steps and then stop. The dialogue box offers a "done" key.
CTRL-O opens ACR in Photoshop, such that when you are done with Raw processing the photo opens in Photoshop. The dialogue box offers an "open" key.
Check your Preferences in Bridge about Adobe Camera Raw.
Double clicking on an image in Bridge opens the image in Photoshop for me.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Try going to Edit>Preferences>General and looking at the box labeled "Double Click Edits Camera Raw Settings in Bridge. This should not be checked if you want the file to open in CS3.
What about your File Type Associations? (Also in Edit>Preferences) Is the file type that you capture linked with PS3?
Everything is the same as it was in CS2 as near as I can tell.
I give up. I'll live with it the way it is.