ID-ing a Robber fly
The robber fly.
Not great shots but just to see what denotes a robber fly. The long antenna in the middle of the forehead is a tell tale sign as well as the cream dormant wing sac below the front of the wings. They do come in various forms. Some are actually quite furry and cute :wink . Others are similar to this species. Very long legs, long wings that fold right down the back. Whats common to them all though, are those long antennas between the eyes. Most flies have much shorter antennas and toward the top on the head.
Shots taken with the Sony CD-1000 and added lenses.

Lens distortion in this one around the butt area. My fault, I don't crop so it stays there. :rolleyes

So checking out closer to the head area and below the wings we can see the dormant cream wing sacs that help ID a fly.

Anyway, you can wake up now
: .
All the best macroholics.
Not great shots but just to see what denotes a robber fly. The long antenna in the middle of the forehead is a tell tale sign as well as the cream dormant wing sac below the front of the wings. They do come in various forms. Some are actually quite furry and cute :wink . Others are similar to this species. Very long legs, long wings that fold right down the back. Whats common to them all though, are those long antennas between the eyes. Most flies have much shorter antennas and toward the top on the head.
Shots taken with the Sony CD-1000 and added lenses.

Lens distortion in this one around the butt area. My fault, I don't crop so it stays there. :rolleyes

So checking out closer to the head area and below the wings we can see the dormant cream wing sacs that help ID a fly.

Anyway, you can wake up now

All the best macroholics.
that's on that fly. That's almost microscopic! I've seen some insect head close-ups in National Geographic, but it makes it even more real when an "ordinary" photographer can get the same detail.
I don't think we have flys like that here; none that bite either. These are good, descriptive shots so now if I ever run into these guys, I'll know what my fly swatter is aiming at:D.
Did you put some sugar water or something on the leaf to attract them?
As for a cute fly, I've yet to see one. Mind sharing if you have any?
Thanks for the bio lesson and pics,
A picture is but words to the eyes.
Comments are always welcome.
H: I only know a handful of the bugs I shoot.
J: They are just so fascinating.
H: Keep posting ID's!
Wonderful shots by the way.
TML Photography