Jacob - Rat Pack Wannabee
This young man brought in an old photo and we attempted to recreate the light and look and feel of, "The Rat Pack" era. If nothing else, it was good fun trying and a good exercise in lighting etc. Thanks for having a look.
"Where there is no elegance of the heart...there is no elegance." Yves Saint Laurent
Thanks - the blur was unintentional - i was shooting at a low shutter speed as the subject was adjusting sleeves and buttons etc.
All in all, the shot looks great. In the B & W photos, it's easier to get away with a burning of the highlights, when it comes to the blown or close to blown area on the white shirt.
Nikon Shooter
It's all about the moment...
yeah, you pretty much nailed it - the main light was camera left, but placed very low - about one foot off the floor. The right side is window light and a silver umbrella for fill.
I'm sure, this wasn't the only frame you took! Let's see some more, the subject was fully commited to giving the feel of the 'Rat Pack'. I'm sure you have other brilliant shots. I personally would love to see them.
Nikon Shooter
It's all about the moment...
Frank, here's another shot - completely different pp...nothing brilliant I assure you.
OMFG!!!!!!! Why didn't you post this one first?!?! That's amazing.
Nikon Shooter
It's all about the moment...
Thanks, Frank - i actually preferred the first shot - sometimes i think that the photographer is the worst judge of his own work!
Nikon Shooter
It's all about the moment...