Technically it's pretty good. The focus is solid, the exposure is good with no blown highlights or plugged shadows.
Compositionally, I'm not sure what this photo is about. There's no strong subject, or anything like a neat pattern or great light or anything like that. I just don't know what I'm supposed to be looking at. Also, there's an out-of-focus blade of grass in the foreground which is generally not ideal.
As mentioned by one member, I'm not sure which is the focusing point. Its kind of snap shot. Do remember, people will only remember your photograph if there is something catchy. So at least make your photo interesting and that start with good composition. Its will be an interesting journey.
Technically it's pretty good. The focus is solid, the exposure is good with no blown highlights or plugged shadows.
Compositionally, I'm not sure what this photo is about. There's no strong subject, or anything like a neat pattern or great light or anything like that. I just don't know what I'm supposed to be looking at. Also, there's an out-of-focus blade of grass in the foreground which is generally not ideal.
Anyway, keep shooting. Practice makes perfect.
Personal SmugMug
I thought it if I could have angled my lens better it would have looked like a BIG damn type setup but it didn't work.
I'll try again
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