Toddler Technique?
This is for the children's photographers (or any photographer that must work them lol). Now let me start off by saying I am a 30 year old mom to 4 kids from 1 year all the way to 7. I am young, active, on the go, can run with the best of them. I know my way around toddlers and work well with them. Buttttt....
They are wicked fast. I mean fast. Fast. Yesterday's session was SO insane I am sore today and can barely walk. It's laughable! LOL And I used up TWO whole 2BG cards for a 90 minute session. I NEVER need to do that...well only for toddlers. :huh The little girl adored me. Followed me around. Giggled endlessly (mom actually seemed a little bothered that her daughter was so...charming? for me.).
But I'd see a moment, frame it, press the shutter for focus-lock it- push it down all the way- she was already half way across the lawn. How does that even happen? Cameras are fast! She wouldn't sit for anything (or be still you know what I mean)- no bribe would work. Just resulted in typical toddler meltdown.
Is there a toddler technique? Because if there is- I don't have it. I cut off limbs left and right. I can't tell you how many great pictures I got...missing a leg/elbow/hand. :dunno And then chasing her all over- while the sun played peekaboo and I was constantly adjusting for exposure.
Maybe I am still too slow with my fingers? Yikes!
ANY tips at all for working with toddlers? Pleassssse? =0)
They are wicked fast. I mean fast. Fast. Yesterday's session was SO insane I am sore today and can barely walk. It's laughable! LOL And I used up TWO whole 2BG cards for a 90 minute session. I NEVER need to do that...well only for toddlers. :huh The little girl adored me. Followed me around. Giggled endlessly (mom actually seemed a little bothered that her daughter was so...charming? for me.).
But I'd see a moment, frame it, press the shutter for focus-lock it- push it down all the way- she was already half way across the lawn. How does that even happen? Cameras are fast! She wouldn't sit for anything (or be still you know what I mean)- no bribe would work. Just resulted in typical toddler meltdown.
Is there a toddler technique? Because if there is- I don't have it. I cut off limbs left and right. I can't tell you how many great pictures I got...missing a leg/elbow/hand. :dunno And then chasing her all over- while the sun played peekaboo and I was constantly adjusting for exposure.
Maybe I am still too slow with my fingers? Yikes!
ANY tips at all for working with toddlers? Pleassssse? =0)
Anyhooooo- any advice offered for working with super active toddlers- sooo appreciated- thanksss!:D
I'm eagerly awaiting some responses from the experts 3 year-old boy drives me crazy sometimes.....JUST SIT STILL....PLEASE!
From my experience, bribes don't end up with cheesy "posed" expressions. Tranquilizers...
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haha! Glad to hear I am not alone at least. My own toddlers- although busy and active- at least would have moments when they would pause for a moment. Giving me an opportunity to happily snap without posing.And so far- so has most of the other toddlers I've worked with. But this little girl reminded me of a butterfly. You watch them land on a flower and as soon as you try to capture their image- flutter away and just keeping 'soft landing' on blooms but never sticking around more than a second. I have 2 more sessions in the next week that have toddlers- I *hope* I can figure out a few things to help me!
Maybe I need to practice taking pictures of butterflies? rofl!
I seem to be able to chat with them and engage them. I play with them. Sort of like Simon Says. I have bribes like kid's party favors, little finger puppets, stuffed animals and stickers. I have a feather duster that facinates them.
Flash Frozen Photography, Inc.
I have 7 children and 13 grandchildren and can imagine what fun you are having trying to get a good picture. The little buggers have way too much energy. I am supposed to do a shoot for one of my daughters friends who has 2 little ones sometime soon... probably in the next few weeks. I have been trying to think of a good location to shoot at and waiting on some good weather.
The pictures that you have posted look good. Just keep up what you are doing and leave a little more room around the subject and hopefully you will get the shots you want... Maybe try the "machine gun" effect (continuous mode ) and soon or later you will get the killer shot(s) you are looking for.
Best wishes,
This is stinking adorable, oh my goodness!
I keep forgetting to set my posts so that I get them in my inbox. Ack! Thank you so much for the tips! I have another one with varying ages on Sunday. A 9 month old one on Saturday but they are easy peasy compared to toddlers! lol
I am going to keep trying bribes thank you! This particular little girl could not be bribed. She was outside...and for her- end of story lol. Run run run! lol
Definitely going to start taking advantage of that burst mode again! lol Thank you! I have been leaving room, these were almost all crops.
feel free to check out some of my childrens galleries on my site. I am doing a huge number of little ones these days. Mostly inside right now because of continual rain in NY..ugh... but you can see some of the ways I entertain them! Good luck on Saturday...I am looking forward to seeing more from you!
Thank you Sandy! I am going to go check out your site right now. I've been lurking for a while and just recently grabbed my gumption and joined. I am learning a lot already!
The Sandy Puc' Guide to Children's Portrait Photography
Do not pass Go! Do not Collect $200. Proceed directly to (or your local bookstore) and GET THIS BOOK!
Neal Jacob
I have had this book since the day it came out and have gone to her seminars. I look at it often for inspiration. Glad you suggested it!
The first thing I did during the first break (of the seminar) is I went right up to Sam and got her autograph on the book.
Neal Jacob
I have a few treasured books already- I'll add this one to my library! hehe Thank you!
That's because you're paying to have Sam Puc' do your portrait! If you want Sam Puc' you pay the Sam Puc' price.
Neal Jacob