How to make hotlink-ing easier
I'm a pro user and post a good amount of my pictures in forums to help get them out there. Currently I have to manual enter the URL as the link and then the IMG information. Is there anyway to combine a "share" option that includes a link back to the sales page automatically. I have added "*" in some of the code below to keep it from linking for the purposes of this forum.
Currently this is my process;
1) Find url for a picture in gallery and into "reply" window
2) Find the share link to a medium sized image and adding the required IMG brackets
[IMG][/IMG*]" 3) And then finally combining the two to create a hotlink-ed image in the forum "[url=[/img][IMG][/IMG*][/url*]" 4) And here is an example of the result I currently get. If you click on the image it links back to the photo in its associated gallery[/img]
As you can imagine doing this for 20-30 pictures at a time takes WAY to much time. Is there a better way of going about this? Could this feature be added to the share options(seems like it would be fairly easy)?
Furthermore is there a way to only allow the "share" option to be seen by the owner rather then anyone looking at my galleries?
Thanks in advance for any advice or assistance.
Currently this is my process;
1) Find url for a picture in gallery and into "reply" window
2) Find the share link to a medium sized image and adding the required IMG brackets
[IMG][/IMG*]" 3) And then finally combining the two to create a hotlink-ed image in the forum "[url=[/img][IMG][/IMG*][/url*]" 4) And here is an example of the result I currently get. If you click on the image it links back to the photo in its associated gallery[/img]

As you can imagine doing this for 20-30 pictures at a time takes WAY to much time. Is there a better way of going about this? Could this feature be added to the share options(seems like it would be fairly easy)?
Furthermore is there a way to only allow the "share" option to be seen by the owner rather then anyone looking at my galleries?
Thanks in advance for any advice or assistance.
We're expect to make some changes along these lines very soon. Stay tuned. You'll want to subscribe to our Release Notes blog, so that you don't miss a single update from SmugMug
You can hide the share button from your viewers - add this to your CSS Box, Sitewide customization:
.notLoggedIn .share_button {display: none;}
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Thanks Andy,
I'll keep up on the RSS feed. I think this feature would make a lot of our lives easier.
Thanks for getting back to me so quick and I'm glad you like my photos!
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As I don't know anything about javascript I wouldn't know how to go about this. Any advice you could offer on how I can accomplish the task mentioned above with a task as you mentioned?
Your help would be greatly appreciated.
Tom using this url:
I have written it to exclude any urls, so it would be simpler if it didn't do that. If I have any free time or need a break, I'll code up a javascript for your application.
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Thank you for showing me your sample code, the language looks vaguely familiar. Back in high school I was proficient in C++ and html but that was a long time ago and I don't remember much.
If you have some free time I would obviously appreciate it but I really wouldn't want to be a bother.
Many thanks for helping me out this far.
The hard part is learning about how to do the parsing. I had to read up on that. The syntax isn't that tough. I used this link for a lot of my testing:
For what you are trying to do, I'd make the input be the entire url with the photo in the url past the '#' mark. Then I'd have the js parse out the photo name and add construct the photo link. (I've found that photos typically end in -M-1.jpg or something of that sort.) Then I'd have the js spit out the forum code with the bbcode and links in their respective places.
If you want to get really fancy, you might be able to make it input a number of urls and generate one whole thing of bbcode at once. So you could simple cut and paste the urls into notepad until you have a paragraph of them, and then paste the paragraph into your javascript program. That would be pretty slick and would save you a lot of time.
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haha. I appreciate the link and I tried having a play but I will have to do a whole lot of research before I get anything useful out of it. Through your explanation I understand the concept and what I want it to do, but I have no idea how to go about it.
It seems that the "share" link is always the url with a central portion cut out and a -L.jpeg added (or -m.jpeg depending on size) so the code should be relatively easy to put together using just a supplied URL.
The alternative of creating a list and being able to "patch" convert a bunch of URL's would be very convinient indeed. Great idea.
I think I can do it, but I'll have to find time mid next week. Remind me with a post here if you don't hear from me by then.
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Great! Thanks for giving it a shot.
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I want to make it so you can cut and paste in a bunch of urls into a text box and then hit a submit button, which will then display the forum code for all the images at the same time. But I can't seem to figure out how html textareas can be used with javascript functions.
Well, I hope this much helps.
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EDIT: Oh, I see. You need the gallery number as well. Hrm. I'm sure there's a way to do this with text expansion. I don't link to the image in the gallery ever.
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1) Find url for a picture in gallery and into "reply" window
2) Paste it into the message.
3) Select and copy the Image ID (570618464_Xtw92).
4) Place my cursor right before [/*url]
5) Invoke my text expansion snippet.
NOTE: You don't need your name in the URLs, and I would fashion the text expansion snippet to leave it out. But that's me.
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That's interesting that there is something that automates things on a Mac. Never knew of such things.
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Yah, the text expansion was not as easy as I thought at first. I use it all the time for embedding images, but I never provide the link to the image in the gallery, so it's simpler.
As for Macs, just get your head out of the sand, and you'll be surprised! :hide
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I've used them on and off, and have come to one conclusion--they're not for me. To me, Macs are 'right-brained' and PCs are 'left-brained' (or vice-versa, I can't remember which side of the brain is creative/logical). I'm the logical/technical type. I'm surprised I'm creative enough to take good photos, lol.
PC or Mac, a keyboard and something logical works intuitively for me. There just so many more buttons on a keyboard vs the maximum 3 on a mouse. Depending on what you are doing, more buttons=more work done.
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Sorry it took so long for me to get back to this thread.
Awesome! it works perfectly!
I really appreciate it. Makes things a lot easier for me. I hope that smugmug adds a feature such as this as a standard option.
Thanks again!
Text expansion? I've been using Macs for years and have no idea what your referring to. Any more info?
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I'm trying to learn about html forms being fed into a javascript function. I know it's possible, but I don't know how...yet. If I figure that out, you'll have a version that can do batch submissions, which should save you a TON of time.
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I'll play with it when I have time and see if I can make it work for mass SM image embedding.
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It would be awesome if something like this could be added directly to our own SM sites. It would even be something I'd consider allowing guests to use for hotlinking certain galleries. It sure beats the alternative where they just take it and you never know, or get any traffic in return.
I believe I ran into a little bug though, or maybe I'm missing something?
When I put in this URL:
I get this non-working result: (minus the line break and *'s.)
Edit: I figured out the problem. For some reason "378473505_rt3md" was repeated at the end of my original URL. I navigated away then went back to the same photo, and everything worked this time.
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I'm trying to think under what conditions a number will be there in the url. I believe it does this on certain pages. If you can give me a list of urls that don't work with the script, I think I can re-write it to work with these also. Basically, if I get an idea of all the valid url formats that someone could throw at my script, I'll re-design it to work with all of them using a different design.
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