Canon MT-24EX macro twin lite flash

Any Canon MT-24EX macro twin lite flash owners out there?
How does the flash part mount to the lens and can it be attached to non-macro Canon lenses? Canon's website states it attaches to their macro lenses (one requires an adapter), but no info on other lenses it will work with or not?
How does the flash part mount to the lens and can it be attached to non-macro Canon lenses? Canon's website states it attaches to their macro lenses (one requires an adapter), but no info on other lenses it will work with or not?
by sliding over the lens. There are adapters for 72mm lenses but otherwise,
not sure what else is available.
Be interested to hear your thoughts on the twin light. I have a ring which is
Thanks, I guess I need to look at one myself to see if it will work. I like the twinlite since you can adjust the flash heads positions.