DSS #28 Idea - Thoughts?
One of my ideas is to use one of my antique pocket watches. I've been trying different lighting and settings. I thought a shot of holding it in my hand would work well, but I didn't like how that turned out at all. What works better for me is a close in crop better showing off all the circles.
Possible titles: 'Time Machine', 'Gears of Time', etc.
(I know I need to clean up some of the scratches and wear marks on the metal, but that comes later...)
Thanks for you thoughts and ideas!
Possible titles: 'Time Machine', 'Gears of Time', etc.
(I know I need to clean up some of the scratches and wear marks on the metal, but that comes later...)
Thanks for you thoughts and ideas!

Great idea!
"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain
this is much nicer, I love antique!
This is stunning.. it has a lot of character and gorgeous detail...
I love the copper.. I think black and white, and other conversions would look nice too, but I think that you may end up taking away its wow factor and losing the high shine copper appeal.. not sure, you will have to take it on a test run..
I am curious what a black backdrop would look like too..
I like it the way it is, but with a polish of course..
Nice Capture
Hmmm, interesting. I didn't think I was going to like B/W on this, loosing all the gold tones, the ruby bearings, etc., but it is quite striking.
Damn, I hate you all!
OK, what do you all think? Thanks!
1) Some contrast
2) More Contrast
I wouldn't change a thing about the composition -- LOVE your crop and all the scratches on the old watch.
But...>>> my fears were proven right, it lost it's super wow factor...
I want the copper back.. but on this new black background.. do you do the mask? hehehe..:D:D:D
Can you mask the copper clock back in..
I was able to reshoot using some natural lighting today as well. These new images have some wonderful pale blue bands in the damaskeening (etched patterns on metal). The damaskeening on this watch is quite detailed to the eye, but disappears totally to the camera unless you get the lighting (and angle thereof) just right.
Hopefully I can get through these new images and process up a few new candidates tonight.
damaskeening? I wonder if an HDR would make them show up?
I love those sun rays, at least I think that is what they are..:D
The natural light is more honest and gave the pale blue contrasts in the etched designs, but it lost the gold/copper tones that the artificial light put on it.
So how do these variations strike you? (I'm waiting for Kat to say she wants the copper version on the black background
These look good...but I am standing firm on the original copper on this new black background..
I loved
- Stunning photo
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Thanks for everyone's feedback and ideas, I really appreciate it! Here is my final set of options. Please chime in on your favorite. I'll use your votes to help make my pick and then make final adjustments for my entry. (Well, maybe after I recover from tomorrow's Jimmy Buffett concert... :dragon )
1) Original gold with blue background
2) B/W Conversion
3) Natural Light reshoot
4) Original Golden Light with black background (The 'Kat Special')
If you have Photoshop, try using an unsharp mask of 20/50/0 on it for some subtle contrast and to bring out some more detail in the gear teeth and see how you like it. For the middle number, you can actually use any value between 45-50.
I'm stuck between the natural light and the original on the black. They are both stunning images.
I think you should go with your gut on these... We're all going to have opinions between those two, I think, so you'll probably have to make the final call about which one is really "It".
Fabulous job
Spread the love! Go comment on something!
Awesome job on #4... That one gets my vote all day long...Either that one or Your original #1.....
Now, As I mentioned before, #3 was not hateful, but I don't like that gunky black in the bottom circle on #3 that became noticeable with the new light and processing. Also in #3 there is that gunky black stuff in the rubies too if you look closely, and over all, I am just not fond of the grey and black the processing brought out because it kind if makes the vibrant copper go blah.. The Black and white conversions are beautiful too, but they are not show stoppers like the copper..
So #4 or your original one is my best advice.. Nice work,,,, It is a gorgeous and very "unique" piece and you have captured it well..
I wanted to mention, if cloning and healing start to mess up the detail and patterns, I personally would just leave the scratches at that point, as mark said, they do give it character and it is an antique..
In the end.. Go with your gut, be at peace with your decision, and best of luck in the contest..
HA HA.. Cheeseburger in Paradise...:burger:burger:burger:lol4
Good Old Jimmy Buffet...
Hope you have fun...:D
I totally agree with Linda.
#3 gets my vote too.
I think this would be the BEST entry to the contest so far
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Lookin' good!
Mike, I love this latest one. It really did bring out the gears and I love seeing the silver in the watch. The gold and silver belong together like that. Nice work!!!
My SmugMug
I still have to wonder why
I guess I am the weird one for not liking it..
I still stand firm on the Original on Black or on Blue...:D
In the end he's gotta go with his gut, and like I am one to talk.. look how many times I have gone against popular vote....hehehe:D:D:D
To be honest, I like them both. It's a happy problem to have, two perfectly good options to go with. I assure you that if I go with the natural one, the rubies and weird black area will be corrected.
Thanks for the opinions, positive/negative/constructive, they are all valuable to me. Feel free to keep 'em coming!
"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain
Of course, now it's up to you to decide...
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I really like this version, and out of these two the black is definitely the winner, The light blue is Distracting but if you could darken it a bit I think it might have more than just the black