DSS #28 circles and squared overlapped

This is the instrument cluster of the not yet released BMW S 1000RR motorcycle. I like how the circles of some gauges are combined with the squares of others gauges. :thumb
Escondido, CA
Olympus E-PL2, 14-42II, 20, 40-150, 9-18, VF-2
Escondido, CA
Olympus E-PL2, 14-42II, 20, 40-150, 9-18, VF-2
This is an other photo from closer to straight on, but I think I still prefer the first one better. What do you think?
Escondido, CA
Olympus E-PL2, 14-42II, 20, 40-150, 9-18, VF-2
The BMW S100RR has not been released as yet. There is one pre-production bike making it's way around to all the BMW Dealers for customer Preview. I went to my local dealer and took several shots. The two I posted seem to represent the DSS Challenge. The others are posted on my SmugMug account.
Until I read the Challenge I didn't realize how the instrument cluster on this bike incorporated circles and squares. Now that I look at it BMW did it very well.
Escondido, CA
Olympus E-PL2, 14-42II, 20, 40-150, 9-18, VF-2
It looks like a pretty standard format though, you could go and try out some other shots withsome of the Japanese bikes or if you want to gomore exotic you could try some Ducati's
The adventure and touring bikes also have more plastic around so you would be able to isolate theinstrument cluster.
This works, but it is not an interesting enough composition...
Especially for the rest of us who do not even understand what we are looking at.. Even though you told us what we are looking at, it is hard for non- bike buffs to appreciate the capture...
Do you have any other ideas?
I'm very disappointed that you feel that my photo is not interesting enough composition...BUT:cry
Most adults who are who drive a car or truck have seen digital displays and will immediately understand:
A. that RPM is used to measure how fast the engine is running - its called a Tach and used on most engines.
B. This is a European vehicle so they use kilometers to measure distance, Thus the KmH is the speed that the vehicle is traveling. US vehicles use miles per hour (MPH) as their measurement
C. Many cars and trucks include an indicator of outside temperature Thats what the 49C represents. In Europe and many other countries use celsius as a measure of temperature.
Unfortunately, I feel that you probably do drive a vehicle with a digital display and could understand this photo if you really tried, BUT you saw the word MOTORCYCLE and immediately decided that it was BAD.
I understood that the contest was about using circle shapes and square shapes in the same composition. Do the photos need to be understood by all viewers or even make sense to successfully meet the criterion of the contest? I thought that this was about the Art of the photo.
If I am able to take a photo of a portion of a motorcycle that uses circles and squares in an interesting pattern, and produce a good photo do YOU or anyone else who is not a Motorcycle Buff need to understand it?
I have found that Google is a wonderful way of finding answers and acquiring knowledge about the things I don't understand. Try it and you might expand your understanding and knowledge.
Escondido, CA
Olympus E-PL2, 14-42II, 20, 40-150, 9-18, VF-2
I was making a """ Round About""" statement that some may not be able to appreciate its awesomeness if they are not that into bikes... period.. it is that simple... and I know what the hell Google is,, I happen to have been surfing the net back in Commodore 64 days!!!!!!
With this attitude, your not likely to get much help on here.. We are not here to stroke your ego but to offer help,, sometimes that comes in the form of compliments and other times, it is to get you to try harder and push your own limits,, at least that is what has helped me on here.. >> Case in Point > GO look at "MY" thread, and you will see that my crowd was not convinced of my first attempt either, but they helped me to improve it,,, and that is "why we are here" .........
Plus, you say, does it matter what other think???? well then why on earth did you post on here for opinions if you could care less what others will think of it..
We are here to learn and improve,,, and you might consider that it is very normal for any artists to care what the viewer my think, after all, that is their audience, and further more there is such a thing as basic compositional rules that the majority base their CC on...
Sorry to offend you for the simple little comment I posted,,, I won't waste your time nor mine,,,any further..
With that said.. Good luck on your entry whatever you decide to do..
My SmugMug
I also like the first shot better. What about a slightly different crop on the same angle and boosting the contrast and saturation a touch? (I'm on a poor quality monitor, so maybe it looks great already, I'm not sure!)
Spread the love! Go comment on something!
I appreciate your CC. I tried boosting both contrast and saturation on the photo I submitted. I hesitated to crop it because there are several interesting squares and circles outside of the main gauges. My post production processing skills are in the learning stage, as are my composition skills, but I figure I learn by trying.
Again thank you.
Escondido, CA
Olympus E-PL2, 14-42II, 20, 40-150, 9-18, VF-2
This entry will be disqualified for the simple fact that it was taken on 6/11/2009 per EXIF data. Entries must be taken after 8am 6/15/2009.
Yes, I realized that rule after I posted the photo and was expecting the DQ. This entry was a "learning Experience". Hopefully I'll do better next time. :ivar
Thanks for the heads up.
Escondido, CA
Olympus E-PL2, 14-42II, 20, 40-150, 9-18, VF-2
You still have time
Pressure can make amazing results
Constructive criticism is always the goal of these threads, and everybody here, no matter how it might come across, is only concerned with helping each other further his/her skills and development as a photographer and an artist.
I can't begin to tell you how much I have learned and grown as a photographer in the 3 or 4 months that I have participated in these challenges and forums. There are some amazing and wonderful photographers, both amauter and professional, in these challenges and forums that are so open and willing to help and "guide" all of us with no malice intended. Between all of us combined, there is probably over 500 years of photography experience being shared and nutured with those willing to grow and develop from the advice offered freely. No photography class you could take and pay for can compete with that.
Welcome to DGrin, and I look forward to seeing more of your work in this challenge and in future challenges.
You are so right!
Here is a second try. The challenge for me was the light. The face of the clock , and the crystal are very reflective so it was difficult for me to light it without having unwanted reflections.
I still like the shapes of my original entry but the subject is gone so I can't shoot it again. :cry
The clock does have interesting shapes...
What do you think should I keep trying?
Escondido, CA
Olympus E-PL2, 14-42II, 20, 40-150, 9-18, VF-2
Which is better the clock,see above, or the vase?
Escondido, CA
Olympus E-PL2, 14-42II, 20, 40-150, 9-18, VF-2
I like the clock as an object just feel that you need to get a more dramatic angle to show it off, perhaps also closer to the point where the clock takes up the frame
I agree a tighter crop is better
Escondido, CA
Olympus E-PL2, 14-42II, 20, 40-150, 9-18, VF-2