Help w/ LSII

Just got my LightsphereII for my Canon 580ex - Came in a cardboard box w/ no instructions.
I have read about a gasket which goes on the flash with the LSII - the only thing in my box was the plastic top and bottom. Am I missing anything?
I have read about a gasket which goes on the flash with the LSII - the only thing in my box was the plastic top and bottom. Am I missing anything?
"Tis better keep your mouth shut and be thought of as an idiot than to open your mouth and remove all doubt"
"Tis better keep your mouth shut and be thought of as an idiot than to open your mouth and remove all doubt"
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What matters is how well it fits on your flash. With the gasket, mine is tricky to get in place, but pretty secure once it's there.
I didn't get any instructions either. If I remember right, there are instructions and a video on Gary Fong's site.
I got one for the 580EX and I did not get a gasket either - I don't think it is needed for the 580EX. A packing slip referred to instructions on Fong's website, but basically just put on the sphere and point the flash vertical and go. Use the top of the sphere if you are going to point the flash at the subject. I think that is the extent of my understanding. Anyone else with more instructions? DavidTO _ I think you have posted more shots with the LSII than anyone - any other sugestions?
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
The LSII seems to fit okay without any gasket but the dome seems as though it should fit tighter - no real "snap" when it goes together. Does your "Dome" seem loose?
"Tis better keep your mouth shut and be thought of as an idiot than to open your mouth and remove all doubt"
Yes, the Dome seems kind of loose to me too! I suspect 2 one inch pieces of Scotch magic tape will secure it just fine.
From Fong's website, he says to use the Dome out of doors by pointing the flash straight at the subject with the Dome in place. Or the Dome can be used with LOW ceilings pointed straight up - like maybe 8 foot ceilings in a home. But it actually works pretty well without the Dome too with the 580EX. Which makes sense because I find the 580 ex works as Fill very nicely at EC -2/3 to -1 out of doors without a difeser at all. But the light will be much softer with the LS II.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin