Almost there, but with trouble!!!
I have come a long way, and almostr getting ready to air the site. But there several issues that even though I read several forums I am still very confuse to say the least.
1- How can i get the Buy and view cart bottoms out of all the galleries.
2- How can Make my Guestbook and About me pages cleaner...without...Antonio Arias-Journalism-Guestbook.
3- How can I get the "Gallery Pages 1" text above
4- How can I change the Gallery Comments for just Comments on the Guestbook.
5- Take the Samll Smugmug logo out of every page expect the homepage where I have my banner.
6-Change the Homelink beside the Cart navbar so it can direct my clients to my homepage.
7- Change the font and font size for guestbook and about me pages.
Beleive me, if I could do this I would, but I have spent sevferal days trying to figure it out and nothing...please dont redirect me to forums where these issuas are solve, since I ahve done that:dunno and it does not seem to work help.:bow
1- How can i get the Buy and view cart bottoms out of all the galleries.
2- How can Make my Guestbook and About me pages cleaner...without...Antonio Arias-Journalism-Guestbook.
3- How can I get the "Gallery Pages 1" text above
4- How can I change the Gallery Comments for just Comments on the Guestbook.
5- Take the Samll Smugmug logo out of every page expect the homepage where I have my banner.
6-Change the Homelink beside the Cart navbar so it can direct my clients to my homepage.
7- Change the font and font size for guestbook and about me pages.
Beleive me, if I could do this I would, but I have spent sevferal days trying to figure it out and nothing...please dont redirect me to forums where these issuas are solve, since I ahve done that:dunno and it does not seem to work help.:bow