Potential Browser break bug

Consider this.
Lets say you have a gallery, and you go to Tools, and then under "Many photos" click on edit caption/Keywords.
It will list all the images in that gallery for you to bulk edit photos.
Once I tried it on the "Timeline" gallery. It had over 1000 images, and firefox crashed.
Same thing can happen if my gallery has 500 photos, browser hangs.
So when we click on bulk keywording, its best if on one page max 50 images open, and then we click next next etc.,
For example, look at the screenshot. This gallery as 126 photos, and all have opened on one single page.
We can have an option in control panel where we can choose to open max X number of images for bulk keywording.
Imaging if gallery had 500 images! Browser will hang!
Lets say you have a gallery, and you go to Tools, and then under "Many photos" click on edit caption/Keywords.
It will list all the images in that gallery for you to bulk edit photos.
Once I tried it on the "Timeline" gallery. It had over 1000 images, and firefox crashed.
Same thing can happen if my gallery has 500 photos, browser hangs.
So when we click on bulk keywording, its best if on one page max 50 images open, and then we click next next etc.,
For example, look at the screenshot. This gallery as 126 photos, and all have opened on one single page.
We can have an option in control panel where we can choose to open max X number of images for bulk keywording.
Imaging if gallery had 500 images! Browser will hang!
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I am running Redhat Enterprise 5 with 2 GB RAM and firefox 3 (latest).
Apart from this I have thunderbird running.
I am on a 512kbps connection, so even load time is huge for 1000 pic gallery. If we could have a way of limiting the max number of pics on one page.
Site :http://www.tanveer.in
Blog :http://tsk1979.livejournal.com
Site :http://www.tanveer.in
Blog :http://tsk1979.livejournal.com