DSS #28 Chandeliers Ahoy!
Oh, come and see my pictures
Of a chandelier so high,
And help me pick a winner,
Or else I just might cry ...
C&C Needed, reshoots not possible, PP very possible.

#2. (Bonus, never before seen material!)

#3 (Croppe of #4)

#4 (Uncrop of #3)

#5 (Another bonus pic.)
Of a chandelier so high,
And help me pick a winner,
Or else I just might cry ...

C&C Needed, reshoots not possible, PP very possible.

#2. (Bonus, never before seen material!)

#3 (Croppe of #4)

#4 (Uncrop of #3)

#5 (Another bonus pic.)

Geez Mark, I dunno, They are all so nice... and every crop is has its own strength.
I am going to have to think on it and comment later to be sure to give my best advice..
I do like the addition of #5 too, that is cool, it shows off the squares even more, plus that larger circle and square at the bottom is kind of neat too...:D:D:D
#2 and #4 look like the bottom of a UFO.. ha ha... looks like the X-files works its way into your work yet again...
Need some time to think.. which is your fav by chance? Just curious..
That is as narrowed down as I can get it for now... Will come back and look again later for sure.. I know what you mean... They are awesome, but sometimes when you look at awesome for too long it boggles the eyes..:wow
Here Here.. I agree
I would have to go with #3 mainly because I feel like it shows the circles in a more complete way. In the other ones, though beautiful, the rectangles in the perimeter are interfering with the circles. Had they been squares, I may have had a different opinion, but they clearly look more like rectangles to me, so the tighter crop in #3 sends a stronger message.
one more thing. I am kind of not sold on the title, because when I look at the Chandelier from the perspective you are showing it, I don't think of circles at all, however when I look at the ceiling right above it, I do.
Los Angeles dance photographer
Website: http://www.allenparseghian.com
Chandeliers Ahoy! isn't an actual title ... I'm not that jaded.
I was actually thinking of something simple, like "Looking Up."
Of course, this
Los Angeles dance photographer
Website: http://www.allenparseghian.com
Having said that, I kinda like "Ceiling Tiles." Hmmm.
Or something along those lines. Something that tells the viewer to focus on the circles and not so much on the non-circular (as it appears) chandelier, I guess.
Btw, I love all the colors, they look awesome!
Los Angeles dance photographer
Website: http://www.allenparseghian.com
It is an awesome old theater. I am lucky to have been able to snap a few pics, as they are usually very strict about any kind of photography. Which is kind of ironic, given that the whole thing was funded by and named after George Eastman.
It is amazing how sharp and crisp they have come out. Did you use a tripod?
Los Angeles dance photographer
Website: http://www.allenparseghian.com
My vote - #3. They all look great, but #3 stands out to me. My only one tiny suggestion would be to darken the one square tile on the lower-middle left that is brighter than the other areas. Otherwise, upload away to the challenge gallery.
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No, but I was 1) really close - upper balcony, which I later found out was supposed to be blocked off. 2) shooting at the primary light source for the entire theater - it's just this and the stage lights. This thing is amazingly really big, and I don't think my pics do it justice for the size of it. I also shot at ISO 800, which helped.
Here's some trivia about this chandelier:
35 feet tall
585 lights
over 20,000 crystals.
It gets lowered and cleaned every few years. Here's an article from the last time they did it.
Awesome! One of the strongest entries (to be) so far!
Los Angeles dance photographer
Website: http://www.allenparseghian.com
Love the blue tinted background there
I have a new version up in the challenge gallery based on #3. Not sure if it's too saturated now though.
It's up. I'm done. Thank you again to everyone for your kind comments and criticisms.
Very competitive and job well done....
I like the small change you made on the rework up there in the gallery too..
Good Call...:D
Best of Luck to You..
@Kat, thank you for your kind words.
@Pyry, the blue is probably from the murals that line the walls of the theatre. Most of them are sky scenes. Here's the one that I was able to take a picture of with my flash:
@Nightpixels, you're making me blush!
@whiterice, Nikonsandvstroms, and everyone else who's commented, good luck, godspeed, and good shooting. May you never take a dozen shots at f/29 and then wonder why the hell they are all so dark. (oops.
i hadn't realized that they were so strict about photography there - i had a field day with my point and shoot one time a few years ago.... ooops
Spread the love! Go comment on something!
To be fair, except for by bro-in-law's graduation, the only time I'm there have been for concerts, which probably had their own contracts in place for video/photo.