print sale question
Ok so don't know where this goes, but i have a question. I posted some sneak peak images online thinking that the prices that i had set (i did set for all galleries when i did it) would show up when i created a new gallery. I was still working on posting images when a grandmother of my client started ordering. well she got my prices so my question is this can I cancel that order? I never got a confirmation for that sale, but she did. She' knows what happened and know those prices weren't for her and is willing to let me cancel the order, but i don't know if i can, but i also don't want to have to pay a commission to you guys since it was the base price. So any advice? the confirmation number was- 1053141.
Thanks and I've learned my lesson.
Thanks and I've learned my lesson.
In the future, if you set portfolio prices, then all new galleries will automatically inherit your portfolio prices. You can always override the portfolio prices by pricing the individual gallery, but you will at least have a backstop to guarantee nothing is available without some markup.
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I do not see an email at the help desk from you yet, but we can help with this there. I will be sending you an email shortly, explaining what the options are.
Stay Tuned
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When I create a new gallery, I make sure the Privacy setting is "unlisted" and not "public". That way I can upload all of the photos, set prices, arrange photos if needed, etc. Once I am satisfied with how everything looks, then I set the gallery to "Public" and it's ready to go.
Hope this helps.
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Canon EOS 1D MK III and 7d; Canon 100 f/2.0; Canon 17-40 f/4; Canon 24-70 f/2.8; Canon 70-200 f/2.8L IS; Canon 300 f/2.8L IS; Canon 1.4x and Sigma 2x; Sigma EF 500 DG Super and Canon 580 EX II.