Going to San Francisco..IDEAS?

I have saved numerous links from here on best places to capture photos from this lovely city.....we are leaving Saturday and was hoping for any additional ideas!!!! We'll only be there 2 days.....
I am not familiar with the city so anything anyone has to offer will be much appreciated!!!!
So excited about our visit!
Also if anyone has captured great photos of the Golden Gate Bridge....best place to be/stand would be nice....:)
Thank you in advance!!
I am not familiar with the city so anything anyone has to offer will be much appreciated!!!!
So excited about our visit!

Also if anyone has captured great photos of the Golden Gate Bridge....best place to be/stand would be nice....:)
Thank you in advance!!
"My favorite thing is to go where I've never been!"
Keep in mind that the fog will play a major role in any shooting of S.F.
All views of the GG Bridge can be great. For sunrise shots the Marin Headlands or Baker Beach. For sunset Fort Baker in the Headlands or Fort Point for the sun behind the bridge. Go back to sunrise areas for the bridge back lit by the sun.
For those who live here we never run out of places to shoot.
Do you have a specific theme that you are interested in? People, landscapes, ocean, wildlife, birds, seals, sharks or whales, boats, cars, islands, bugs, and the list goes on and on.
This time of the year the fog comes in early and stays pretty late in the day. It also has the habit of hanging around most of the day near the city. Now this can add some nice effects to the bridge and city if caught right.
If you head over to the headlands you will see hundreds of tourists with cameras snapping everything. For slightly different views, drive past the tourists for different views.
The bridge can look great at night and early evening.
Chinatown could be interesting as well.
Me, I'd have to take some pics by the Cliff House.
And if you don't ride and take some photos of the cable cars, you can't really say you've visited.
Cable Cars? Take the Powell/Hyde line which stops at the top of Lombard Street ("Crookedest in World") and postcard views of Coit Tower AND a tremendous view north of the bay and Alcatraz.
Two days is not enough!
Not mine: http://www.flickr.com/photos/mattgranz/3102422742/sizes/l/
I second Golden Gate park -- the tea garden and aboretum are awesome and they have a redwood forest there too.
You can get some great shots of victorians in the Haight.
You can also go up Twin Peaks for a view of the entire city if the fog is not present.
That shot of the Bay Bridge is very unique. It's rare to see the Bay
Bridge shooting into The City from that angle.
Matt Granz's comments on his photo.
Shayebryd are you back from SF? You had some fog free days last
weekend. I hope you enjoyed your visit.
Would love to see your photos!
Fremont, CA
SmugMug Gallery