Help! Headshots in 3 hours and no lights...
Okay before I get flamed for being unprofessional let me explain. My sister just called and wanted to know if she can come by my house and get some head shots 3 hours.
Unfortunately I don't have access to my flashes or lights right now. I just thought it would be kind of fun to get some Mc-Gyver ideas from you fellow dgrinners! Collaboration, baby!
I will post back with the results later tonight. Thanks!
Unfortunately I don't have access to my flashes or lights right now. I just thought it would be kind of fun to get some Mc-Gyver ideas from you fellow dgrinners! Collaboration, baby!
I will post back with the results later tonight. Thanks!
Regardless of purpose, just use that giant hotlight in the sky + reflectors
For theatrical headshots it's about personality and EYES - it needs to be about the subject's personality and look rather than the photographer's, and a good headshot absolutely engages the viewer with the person in it, makes them want to get to know them. Here's a link to a post with two fantastic articles on the subject:
Not bad advice for any portraits, but absolutely vital for a performer's shots!
All natural light...ran through Lightroom2 for post.
For me, the light in #1 is just so sweet - very nice!
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ETA: That first one with eyes back to camera and fully engaged would make a killer performer headshot in the currently popular style...
I can see natural light (and the reflection of something outside the window in the first). Could you have used a sheet or something to soften the light (not that it needed it)?
For those who asked, here is a shot diagram. No reflectors, just plain simple light in the sky.
D300 l 85/1.4 l 35/2 l 50/1.8 l 70-300vr l 28-105 l tokina 17-50/2.8 l 135ais l Sb600 and sb900 l Mac