New York City -- Wide Angle

Took my D700 to NYC with a rented 14-24mm F2.8 from Had some okay weather but mostly overcast, sky was totally white, made it tough. Anyway, here they are. Critiques are always welcome -- the harsher the better! The people I showed them too already said "too much saturation" but I like the way it looks.

These two really stand out for me
I third that, amazing reflections
Nice shots, I am partial to architectural shots myself!
A couple have the dreded red X beside, can you check your links?
Honestly, I'm not sure if I remember seeing it in the viewfinder or not but it's in about six of the pics. I have one of it without the flare and it's not as cool looking. Judge for yourself.
I can appreciate your comment. This was the first time I've ever shot with a wide angle and being in NYC it seemed to me the most interesting shots were panoramic types and of the buildings since they are so gigantic.
True - the architecture is stunning! Your panoramic pics are beautiful and the refractions are amazing. It's just that it was unusual not to see the crowd in the pics of NYC cause that seems inescapable - people are everywhere, days and nights
Loved the reflections and the one with the orange cabs!
Too cool!
Thanks for sharing!
I'd have to say my favorites are the reflection shots as well.