More help....Domain names

HockeyDad2324HockeyDad2324 Registered Users Posts: 74 Big grins
edited June 26, 2009 in SmugMug Support
I currently own a domain name which I would like to add to my smugmug account. Had I known when I purchased the domain name that smugmug was partnered with go daddy, I would have bought it from them. I purchased the domain from Dotster. How do I change my smugmug account from to

www.Sean-Patrick.Com or ...This is just waaaaaaaaay to long though:scratch

I e-mailed dotster, and it appears that I just fill in whatever info I want????? That does not seem right to me?

Any suggestions?

Edited to add the info that dotster just forwarded me...This is completely foreign to me.

A 'CNAME' or 'Common Name' creates an alias from a domain name to another. For example, you can create a CNAME from '' to '', and every reference to '' will go to '', regardless of how changes their IP addresses.
Please note that if you define a CNAME for one of your subdomains, there should be no A or MX record defined for that subdomain.

Nikon, Nikon, Nikon. D700, D70, 35-70 2.8, 80-200 2.8 AF-S, 50 1.8, and a few SB800's


  • denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,418 moderator
    edited June 26, 2009
    Did you look at the smugmug help page -

    You must tell your ISP to go to (CNAME to)
    You set your smug site name in the smugmug control panel.

    --- Denise
  • HockeyDad2324HockeyDad2324 Registered Users Posts: 74 Big grins
    edited June 26, 2009
    Did you look at the smugmug help page -

    You must tell your ISP to go to (CNAME to)
    You set your smug site name in the smugmug control panel.

    --- Denise
    Thanks Denise,
    I did read that, but I still do not know what it means...I am way behind the times when it comes to computers. I can set my site name in the smugmug panel no problem, but how do I set the cname?
    Do I need to put my ISP address somewhere? If so, how do I find outwhat my ISP address is?
    Nikon, Nikon, Nikon. D700, D70, 35-70 2.8, 80-200 2.8 AF-S, 50 1.8, and a few SB800's
  • denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,418 moderator
    edited June 26, 2009
    ...but how do I set the cname?
    You log in to your site at your ISP to set the CNAME.

    The CNAME tells your ISP where to direct your site.

    --- Denise
  • HockeyDad2324HockeyDad2324 Registered Users Posts: 74 Big grins
    edited June 26, 2009
    You log in to your site at your ISP to set the CNAME.

    The CNAME tells your ISP where to direct your site.

    --- Denise
    SO I set the CNAME to anything I want? I see on Dotster where I can set the CNAME. I just don't know what to set it to?
    Thanks Denise,
    Nikon, Nikon, Nikon. D700, D70, 35-70 2.8, 80-200 2.8 AF-S, 50 1.8, and a few SB800's
  • HockeyDad2324HockeyDad2324 Registered Users Posts: 74 Big grins
    edited June 26, 2009
    SO I set the CNAME to anything I want? I see on Dotster where I can set the CNAME. I just don't know what to set it to?
    Thanks Denise,
    I can get to this on my Dotster acct.

    Sub Domain *********** CName Server **************

    Only enter data in the first field if you
    need a CNAME record for a sub domain.
    (Add new CNAME record)

    So in the blank sub domain box do I put www? What do I put in the CNAME box?

    Thanks again Denise,
    Nikon, Nikon, Nikon. D700, D70, 35-70 2.8, 80-200 2.8 AF-S, 50 1.8, and a few SB800's
  • denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,418 moderator
    edited June 26, 2009
    Your CNAME points to (as noted in the help pages that I referred you to, and as stated in my first reply to your question above).

    From the smugmug help page:
    "How do I set up a CNAME record for my domain to point to"
    It might seem like Greek to you, but your registrar should respond with step-by-step instructions specific to their site.
    --- Denise
  • HockeyDad2324HockeyDad2324 Registered Users Posts: 74 Big grins
    edited June 26, 2009
    Your CNAME points to (as noted in the help pages that I referred you to, and as stated in my first reply to your question above).

    From the smugmug help page:
    "How do I set up a CNAME record for my domain to point to"
    It might seem like Greek to you, but your registrar should respond with step-by-step instructions specific to their site.
    --- Denise

    They Did,
    Which took me to those blank boxes for the sub domain and CNAME.

    This is what they sent me

    Log into your account.
    Click on the 'My Domains' tab.
    Then click directly on top of the letters that spell your domain name (this will
    bring you to a different screen)
    Look near the bottom of that page under the heading "Other Services" and click
    the "Manage" link next to 'DNS Management.'
    In the boxes, fill in the information you want and click "Update."

    Make sure you are pointed to the correct name servers that make DNS work. (the
    correct name servers can be seen if you scroll down lower on the page). If you
    do not point to the correct name servers, none of the dns records you have added
    will work.

    Here are the name servers


    Sorry Denise,
    Tis may seem straight forward to you, but I am still lostheadscratch.gifheadscratch.gifheadscratch.gif

    Nikon, Nikon, Nikon. D700, D70, 35-70 2.8, 80-200 2.8 AF-S, 50 1.8, and a few SB800's
  • docwalkerdocwalker Registered Users Posts: 1,867 SmugMug Employee
    edited June 26, 2009

    Send me your domain login info at the help desk. Put Attn: Doc in the subject line. I will get you setup.

    SmugMug Support Hero
  • HockeyDad2324HockeyDad2324 Registered Users Posts: 74 Big grins
    edited June 26, 2009
    docwalker wrote:

    Send me your domain login info at the help desk. Put Attn: Doc in the subject line. I will get you setup.


    My Dotster login info?

    If so it is on the way!

    Thank you very much,
    Nikon, Nikon, Nikon. D700, D70, 35-70 2.8, 80-200 2.8 AF-S, 50 1.8, and a few SB800's
  • docwalkerdocwalker Registered Users Posts: 1,867 SmugMug Employee
    edited June 26, 2009
    Correct. I will look for your email. I am heading to a funeral in a bit so I will be away from the help desk during that time. But I can work on it when I get back this afternoon.
    SmugMug Support Hero
  • HockeyDad2324HockeyDad2324 Registered Users Posts: 74 Big grins
    edited June 26, 2009
    docwalker wrote:
    Correct. I will look for your email. I am heading to a funeral in a bit so I will be away from the help desk during that time. But I can work on it when I get back this afternoon.

    Thanks Doc for all of your help!
    It appears to be working PERFECTLY. Thanks again.
    Sorry to hear of your loss!
    Nikon, Nikon, Nikon. D700, D70, 35-70 2.8, 80-200 2.8 AF-S, 50 1.8, and a few SB800's
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