Western again...
I was shooting a business headshot today, and since I had the lights already setup, I thought it a good chance to shoot a new avatar.
Was trying for a 50's Western look. Not sure that I quite got there.
What do you think?
Here's two slightly different versions
Was trying for a 50's Western look. Not sure that I quite got there.
What do you think?
Here's two slightly different versions
I can't really put my finger on what's missing either.
Maybe a lean, square jawed cowboy
I think that sterile background just isn't working for this shot. I need to go out to a good location and re-shoot.
Clean cut maybe.....lean......Gene Autry weren't lean......none of them RKO boys was lean.....mean yeah....ahhhh that is it you ain't mean lookin enuff....need to get taller hat from HATMAN JACK here in town.....he supplies several with great oldie styles he makes.....rofl
Not bad at all. I'm guessing the second will work better at avatar size. Have you looked at them when downsized?
Nice work NTL.
1 is best.
Didn't think of that
Downsized, then had to lighten up the pic quite a bit for it to look right.
Thanks Richard
Thanks Buggs, but...
OK, I don't get out much...what is "NTL" ?
......... "none-the-less"
I was feelin' lazy.
NAPP Member | Canon Shooter
Weddings/Portraits and anything else that catches my eye.
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Hey Dave,
Thanks for the input
When/if it ever cools down, I've got a lot of "Cliché Western Movie" type pics that I want to shoot. Buddy & I are thinking about shooting them in Tombstone, AZ.
I would be thrilled if I can bring back to life some of those great Western images, if only in my little world A project if you will...
that's my thoughts too, but it's always appreciated to hear others opinions.
Thanks for your input
Thanks WW,
I appreciate knowing if I met my image goal for anyone else
Well done, Randy!
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
You crack me up Jim ~~~ BTW, thanks for that link!
As I previously stated: I do hope in the future to shoot a project of Western images that mimics the 50's style. It drives me a little nuts. I try to enjoy a good Western, but all the while I'm thinking, "that would make a great shot ~ gotta' remember that scene".
Quick search and what do ya' know...
Lash Larue's background looks very familiar
Thanks for your comments
#1 for me.
One nit - bg is dull . Cowboys did not have their daguerrotypes taken in blooming studios with the seamless, youknowhatI'msaying?
Add some cacti.. If you don't have one, ask some of the nice AZ/UT/NM/NV folks for help, they should have plenty of that stuff in their ports
I agree with you and your photo choice, but, look at some of the Hollywood 50's images & you'll note that the lighting was very strong, very un-natural, across the eyes.
Thanks for your input
I hear ya' Nik
Side Note: I was using a Photek 5' Softlighter for the previous High Key Business headshot background ~ pointed at the back of the subjects head, camera shooting straight into it). It's a simple way to have a high-key, evenly lit bg with just one light, and is easily setup and portable. (I did burn the bg for my avatar photo, obviously)
but heres my cheer
I didn't post that Nik. I will only post a customers pics on a public board if I have the customers permission. Some don't want their mug displayed on the Internet, or more than likely, by someone other than themselves.
Thanks for asking though.
Hey Aaron,
I thought you were going to say (Sorry i am of no help with such a blan subject)
I was going to whole heartedly agree with you
All kidding aside; I appreciate your comment
Ah, I see what you were going for. You're right... and that's why I often get annoyed when watching old films that have otherwise fantastic lighting... all of a sudden a spotlight shows up on someone out of no where and kills my suspension of disbelief!
So what happens if you take that pose, turn slowly and look straight at the camera?
I think as mentioned that your stache gives you away, however, add a little "dirt" to your face, and a cigarette (unlit) , and I think ya got it
Canon 50D, Rebel XTi,Canon 24-105L, Canon 50mm 1.8, Tamron 28-75 2.8, 430EX
my real job
looking for someone to photograph my wedding 8/11
Thanks Shannon,
I'll have to give the "dirty" look a try...