DSS #28 -- "Circle" of Family Says "Hi Dgrin!"

Feel free to say Hi back!
C&C would be appreciated.
p.s. The doggy bone is supposed to represent the exclamation mark.
C&C would be appreciated.
p.s. The doggy bone is supposed to represent the exclamation mark.

As usual you have been busy punching out something beyond awesome
What else can I say.. I am too impressed with it at first glance to even think of nit picking.. Perhaps I will come back to it later and see something, but for now..
I am just flat out impressed....
Nice family and "team players" there,,, helping you in getting the perfect shot and the most creative photog of the year award..
I have to ask........ok.......... What on earth were you standing on to get this perspective? :eek1 Did you rent a boom lift :davidtoor what ? (laughing):lol
Did I mention I was Impressed....?
Twitter: @kabbottphoto
Pretty Please..:D:D:D
Fantastic idea
Looking at the grass, I see that you probably took them separate and made a composite...
One think that stroked me is that the balls should be more in a circle -
I would like to see a more even distance between them and their heads...
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The letters should be oriented on the continuation of the circle radiuses
* Sorry, I used t be an engineer
TravelwaysPhotos.com ...... Facebook
I agree; there's just too much in the picture. It reminds me of a poster one of my young nieces made just after she discovered how to change fonts and colours on her computer; it had everything in it (except the kitchen sink), but it was so very confusing to the eye.
I think making the balls all the same colour (white or cream), textured (like a soccer ball, perhaps), and with the letters (black or dark green) lined up on the radii might have been an improvement…
There's something weird with the shadows of the balls; they look consistent if the balls were on the grass, but if the balls were above the heads of the people, then the perspective is wrong, the shadows are wrong and the sharp focus of the grass is wrong; the balls are lit from different directions, which looks strange.
Sorry if I'm picky, but you did say "…C&C would be appreciated."
Something positive: Hey, the dog is really cute!
- Wil
This is so creative - super impressed with your work here, though I think the letters detract from the overall punch this image packs. Again - very nice work!
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I think the idea of making the balls all one color is a good one - too busy otherwise...
Also I thought about the shadows in the meantime, too - ... maybe you can eliminate them entirely...
- it's not about being realistic here, because it's not - then,... let it be graphical/stylized/simplified
* Another picky thing: the grass should be cloned less visible too -
I hope I'm not discouraging you here...
** ... and yes, the dog is very cute
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Yes Linda, the dog is a Boston Terrier. We've had her for a year now.
Kat, your question on the perspective will be answered once I post the link to the exifs
Photo-bug, as far as placing the balls on the perimeter of a perfect circle goes, it would be almost impossible to accomplish that without distorting some of the people in the image, so I will have to live with it. I think it is good enough to be close to being a circle.
Los Angeles dance photographer
Website: http://www.allenparseghian.com
I was talking about replacing a little the balls, not distorting people... but of course it's up to you
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Can't wait to see how you got that height..:D:D:D
Short answer is I had to climb up a tree!
Los Angeles dance photographer
Website: http://www.allenparseghian.com
Got it, I will see what I can do. I tried it last night, but then some of the balls ended up getting to close to some of the people which meant I had to move them in to create some distance between their hands and the balls. It started looking weird. I see if I can pull it off.
Los Angeles dance photographer
Website: http://www.allenparseghian.com
Need to Add no tree high enough.. hahahaha
Los Angeles dance photographer
Website: http://www.allenparseghian.com
Los Angeles dance photographer
Website: http://www.allenparseghian.com
I think it's much better
TravelwaysPhotos.com ...... Facebook
It seems every round the standards are raised.
Oh, and the dog is still v. cute!
- Wil
You created the soccer balls from scratch?
Will, replacing the original balls with soccer balls was a great suggestion, thanks!
Los Angeles dance photographer
Website: http://www.allenparseghian.com
Los Angeles dance photographer
Website: http://www.allenparseghian.com
Very Creative...:D
This round turned out to be a fun one.. not as stressful as the energy theme that is for sure...