Question on Computer use of prints only
Has this happened to you? Any advice from the forum?
I have a request from a bride to be... it is for me to sell her a CD of computer images that she will use on her computer only. When I offered her a CD of JPG's low res to allow her to print no bigger then 8x12 she said she did not want that. She added she only wants to use them on her computer. Any advice on how to make a sale?:scratch Any guess to what she is thinking?
If I take the time to make lower res 72dpi images and put my watermark on them... it will still be lots of time in labor. Any clues? Shortcuts?
Thanks ahead of time for your ideas,
Has this happened to you? Any advice from the forum?
I have a request from a bride to be... it is for me to sell her a CD of computer images that she will use on her computer only. When I offered her a CD of JPG's low res to allow her to print no bigger then 8x12 she said she did not want that. She added she only wants to use them on her computer. Any advice on how to make a sale?:scratch Any guess to what she is thinking?
If I take the time to make lower res 72dpi images and put my watermark on them... it will still be lots of time in labor. Any clues? Shortcuts?
Thanks ahead of time for your ideas,
Sounds like she's really wanting a cd to print elsewhere, but try and make you think it's only on the web. Maybe educate her as to what size is good for the web. maybe make a small web version and post it in a separate gallery and show her how well it looks online and that it's reallyonly affected by printing.
Low resolution copies, see this thread for some advice no saving for web use only.
Also realize that copies sold digitally will likely not sell any prints, so price accordingly. I am even at the point of thinking about charging to keep galleries online.
This looks pretty simple to me. First I wouldn't call a file that can be printed at 8X12 low res. Ask her if she thinks she would ever want to print them. If she says yes then you want to offer a set of printable files. Next ask her if she wants to have the image to email to friends and relatives. If yes then offer a low res set, at say 800 X 640 @ 72ppi.
Light room can batch process the images. You can probably make an action and do a similar operation in Photoshop but I don't think it would be as fast or clean an operation.
I have delivered both a small low res set for web and email, and a separate full res set for printing when asked.
Just price accordingly.
(This was the Engagement Session)
I did just that... I offered a CD print with permission and also a 72 DPI CD for computer use only. Both at low prices.
Then bride to be turned down both. I asked if she could give me more input as to what she is thinking. She wrote me back a email and it turns out that she wanted a CD of 4x6's of her choosing and to have them on the computer was no big deal now.HUH? WHAT? Then she said she was going to save her money so she could have the Wedding she always wanted. ???HUH? WHAT? Also that she might want to buy a CD of the Wedding for printing cause the Wedding is more important. I did tell her that the cost would be much different.
So it looks like that is what she was trying to have was a CD to print of 4x6's but told me it was for the computer. Thank God she has paid me in full for the Wedding in Sept. and I have a clear contract.
Cd's were not asked for then at the time of signing but I will have a clear price for the two items now if anyone asks again. I have the feeling she understands the difference of prints and computer images for sure now.
Just not worth it to me to playing cat and mouse with the client imo.
14-24 24-70 70-200mm (vr2)
85 and 50 1.4
45 PC and sb910 x2
Here, here!
IMO its best to eliminate potential "problems". This method squashes pretty much all of em'.... If you get two or three clients that wanna play a game, all at the same time, you'll end up balder than I.
You bet ....I sure have learned my lesson. :ivar