My Wife, The Firefighter Wannabe

Our city, South Ogden (Utah), has an annual Citizen's Academy that offers residents a first hand look into how police officers and firefighters perform their duties and the various ways they serve the community. It's a free nine week course that includes hands on instruction with the narcotics/drug strike force, building searches, gangs, traffic and felony stops, Emergency Medical Services, search and rescue, and vehicle fires.
My wife was initially intrigued by the offer of touring the county jail and CSI department. She enjoyed every minute of the entire 9 weeks and wants to do it again next year. Here are some pictures of her putting out a car fire last weekend. Our two sons loved watching Mom put out a car fire.

My wife was initially intrigued by the offer of touring the county jail and CSI department. She enjoyed every minute of the entire 9 weeks and wants to do it again next year. Here are some pictures of her putting out a car fire last weekend. Our two sons loved watching Mom put out a car fire.

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well done.
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What a wonderful offer your Community has there Shaun.
She really looks the part in the Fire Fighters gear.
More places should do that, its always easy to sit back and say this group of people should do this or that, but until you walk in their shoes,
and see things from a different perspective, you get a better understanding of why things are done a certain way.
Nice going with your shots, love the one of the close-up of your wife's face, and the car on fire directly below it
Great job on the photography for this lot
.... Skippy
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin