40 Cal

first attempt at shooting a shooting device. 

Any thoughts?

Any thoughts?
"The Journey of life is as much in oneself as the roads one travels"
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
I think you did a good job on this shot. The lighting is nice, & the soft shadows are well placed. Comp is good, and to me, that's a fairly hard job to do correctly on gun images.
Keep up the good work
Thanks Randy. Hope to get my hands on a few different pieces and shoot some more. Literally and figuratively
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
Thanks for the comments .
For this shot is was nothing special really. I have two sheets of a vinyl coated fiber board that are 4'x8' I use for shooting portraits. I placed the pistol and bullets on one board about a foot from the edge to be sure no edge would be in the shot.
Lighting is a mix of natural light from a window to the right upper corner and a strobe light with a large softbox. The window is about 6 feet from the pistol and the strobe is about 5 feet from it. Strobe was on half power.
ISO 400
F 13
Shutter 1/15 (hand held
Hope that helps. If not he can bring his guns down to my place and we can work something out.
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
Lets see something in a chrome finish next.
Thanks for the reply. I wrote your info down and will try it. I'll keep your offer in mind!