Photo for T-shirts

Since I'm just starting my biz, I'm not sure how to price things yet. Someone wants to "buy" one of my photos for T-shirt screen printing for a dude Ranch. This ranch is pretty hoity toity and gets customers from all around the world. What would you charge for a photo to be used in this capacity? Also, what are some other things I should consider in a venture like this? Your advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks all.
Will you be supplying the image on a cd with a limited number of prints to be made? An unlimited amount? Will the image be used for other purposes outside of T shirts? How long will the image be used (1 year, 10 years). Will the image be altered in any form by the company? Will you grant them an exclusive license for a certain period of time? Will you share a license of the image with them for the time period (means you can sell the image while they are using it). Have you copyrighted the image yet?
These are questions that have to be answered prior to quoting a number.
I would quote between $750 and $1000
Thank you so much for you help!