Epson Pd-2000
Has anyone purchase one of these? I saw it at the Photo shop and was really impressed with the image size and quality and 40 gig storage capacity. Any comments will be appreciated.
Epson p-2000
Thanks, Deacon
Epson p-2000
Thanks, Deacon
Seems easy enough to use. Navigation, download, etc. Don't know about
battery life though.
Everything I have read and heard tells me this is the only device of its type worth considering.
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Do you use OS-X? I'm wondering specifically if the Image Capture program works correctly with the P-2000. The thing I love about Image Capture is it correctly traverses the annoying directory structure on the CF card and places all images in a single directory on my computer.
Whoever dreamt up the fact that images should be arranged in sub-directories, 100 images per, should lose his job.
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